metadata101 / iso19139.rndt

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Problem with rndt-template-service.xml #30

Open SaraRatto opened 2 years ago

SaraRatto commented 2 years ago

Creating a service metadata with the template: rndt-template-service.xml is not working properly. In specific the Conformity section presents duplicated gmd:report nodes for INSPIRE compliance (moreover none of them is correctly compiled).

SaraRatto commented 2 years ago

In updating this the situation we have: image

This the relative XML (before updating there was only the first node gmd:report):

                              <gco:CharacterString>REGOLAMENTO  (CE)  N.  976/2009  DELLA  COMMISSIONE  del 19   ottobre   2009   recante   attuazione   della   direttiva 2007/2/CE   del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio per quanto riguarda i servizi di rete</gco:CharacterString>
                                    <gmd:CI_DateTypeCode codeList=""
                        <gco:CharacterString>non conforme</gco:CharacterString>
                           <gmd:title gco:nilReason="missing">
                                    <gmd:CI_DateTypeCode codeList=""
                        <gco:CharacterString>Fare riferimento alle specifiche indicate</gco:CharacterString>
                     <gmd:pass gco:nilReason="unknown"/>
SaraRatto commented 1 year ago

The problem is actually related to imported and transformed metadata according RNDT2.0 XSL. These metadata mantain the old, but still admitted, structure:

                              <gco:CharacterString>REGOLAMENTO  (CE)  N.  976/2009  DELLA  COMMISSIONE  del 19   ottobre   2009   recante   attuazione   della   direttiva 2007/2/CE   del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio per quanto riguarda i servizi di rete</gco:CharacterString>

In the editor in the modify mode this structure is not rendered on the page then there is no conformance block. Moreover if you try to add a new block it happens what shows in the comment before: