metadatacenter / cedar-project

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strange Metadata Editor dropdowns #1106

Closed graybeal closed 3 years ago

graybeal commented 3 years ago

We created a template [1] that, when populated, randomly provided different dropdown choices than BioPortal is returning. For example, these images below show the networking call (which is, the response from BioPortal (which looks correct), and the drop-down menu that CEDAR is displaying. Note that "antibodies titer" appears in the dropdown menu, but is not visible in the response from BioPortal, and it does not show up when autocompleting 'ant'.

The next image shows the dropdown for an entirely different field, but the dropdown menu is the same!

Screen Shot 2020-10-30 at 12.29.23 AM.png

Screen Shot 2020-10-30 at 12.29.44 AM.png

Screen Shot 2020-10-30 at 12.32.47 AM.png

This happens after I've cleared my cache and started a new metadata entry.

When I try to save the metadata entry, I get an error message that the instance can't be saved.

Status: 400, Bad Request
Method: POST

Message: There was an error while validating the artifact
Error key: invalidData
Error reason: validationError
Exception: N/A
Stack trace:N/A
Error details:
  "validationReport": {
    "validates": "false",
    "warnings": [],
    "errors": [
        "message": "object has missing required properties (['@value'])",
        "location": "/Care process phase/0",
        "additionalInfo": {
          "schemaFile": "#",
          "schemaPointer": "/properties/Care process phase/items"
graybeal commented 3 years ago

Template content is

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  "@type": "",
  "@context": {
    "xsd": "",
    "pav": "",
    "bibo": "",
    "oslc": "",
    "schema": "",
    "schema:name": {
      "@type": "xsd:string"
    "schema:description": {
      "@type": "xsd:string"
    "pav:createdOn": {
      "@type": "xsd:dateTime"
    "pav:createdBy": {
      "@type": "@id"
    "pav:lastUpdatedOn": {
      "@type": "xsd:dateTime"
    "oslc:modifiedBy": {
      "@type": "@id"
  "type": "object",
  "title": "Covid project metadata template template schema",
  "description": "Covid project metadata template template schema generated by the CEDAR Template Editor 2.5.11",
  "_ui": {
    "pages": [],
    "order": [
      "Section 1: Administrative Project Information",
      "Project Title",
      "Acronym/short title",
      "Project ID",
      "Project's Website",
      "Start date",
      "Expected end date",
      "Project duration",
      "Lead Institution",
      "Principal Investigator",
      "Project Partner",
      "Study area",
      "Section 2: Project Details",
      "Focus Area",
      "Care process phase",
      "Types of Collection",
      "Size of collection",
      "Types of Data",
    "propertyLabels": {
      "Project ID": "Project ID",
      "Project Title": "Project Title",
      "Acronym/short title": "Acronym/short title",
      "Start date": "Start date",
      "Expected end date": "Expected end date",
      "Project duration": "Project duration",
      "Lead Institution": "Lead Institution",
      "Project Partner": "Project Partner",
      "Province": "Province",
      "Study area": "Study area",
      "Care process phase": "Care process phase",
      "Size of collection": "Size of collection",
      "Section 1: Administrative Project Information": "Section 1: Administrative Project Information",
      "FunderInformation": "FunderInformation",
      "Principal Investigator": "Principal Investigator",
      "Project's Website": "Project's Website",
      "Country": "Country",
      "Section 2: Project Details": "Section 2: Project Details",
      "Services": "Services",
      "Population": "Population",
      "Types of Data": "Types of Data",
      "Types of Collection": "Types of Collection",
      "Setting": "Setting",
      "Focus Area": "Focus Area",
      "Theme": "Theme"
    "propertyDescriptions": {
      "Project ID": "",
      "Project Title": "Enter the full title of the project",
      "Acronym/short title": "Enter optional acronym/short title for the study",
      "Start date": "The date the project started or is expected to start",
      "Expected end date": "The date the project is expected to end",
      "Project duration": "Project duration in months",
      "Lead Institution": "Enter the name of the project's lead institution",
      "Project Partner": "The project partner instiution",
      "Province": "Enter the name of the province that applies for the project",
      "Study area": "Enter the study area that applies for the project",
      "Care process phase": "Enter the phase of the care process the project is contributing to.",
      "Size of collection": "Indicate the size of collection",
      "Section 1: Administrative Project Information": "Help Text",
      "FunderInformation": "Information about the organization providing the funding for the described project ('funding provider').",
      "Principal Investigator": "The principal investigator of the project",
      "Project's Website": "Enter the URL of the project's website",
      "Country": "Enter the name of the countries involved in the project",
      "Section 2: Project Details": "Help Text",
      "Services": "Services used/provided by the project",
      "Population": "Population addressed by the project",
      "Types of Data": "Types of data the project is contributing to",
      "Types of Collection": "Types of collection the project is contributing to",
      "Setting": "Setting applying to the project",
      "Focus Area": "Please select the focus area of your project",
      "Theme": "Select the theme your project is dealing with"
  "properties": {
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              "type": "string",
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            "@type": {
              "type": "string",
              "enum": [
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        "Acronym/short title": {
          "enum": [
        "Start date": {
          "enum": [
        "Expected end date": {
          "enum": [
        "Project duration": {
          "enum": [
        "Lead Institution": {
          "enum": [
        "Project Partner": {
          "enum": [
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          "enum": [
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        "Care process phase": {
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      "type": "string"
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      "format": "uri"
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      "type": "object",
      "title": "Project id element schema",
      "description": "Project id element schema generated by the CEDAR Template Editor 2.5.11",
      "_ui": {
        "order": [
          "Project ID"
        "propertyLabels": {
          "Project ID": "Project ID"
        "propertyDescriptions": {
          "Project ID": "Project ID as provided with award (start with 10...)"
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          "type": "object",
          "title": "Project ID field schema",
          "description": "Project ID field schema generated by the CEDAR Template Editor 2.5.11",
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              "type": [
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          "pav:lastUpdatedOn": "2020-10-29T04:43:35-07:00",
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      "pav:createdBy": "",
      "pav:lastUpdatedOn": "2020-10-29T23:56:41-07:00",
      "oslc:modifiedBy": "",
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      "pav:version": "0.0.1",
      "bibo:status": "bibo:draft",
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            "@type": "xsd:dateTime"
          "oslc:modifiedBy": {
            "@type": "@id"
        "title": "Project Title field schema",
        "description": "Project Title field schema generated by the CEDAR Template Editor 2.5.11",
        "_ui": {
          "order": [
          "propertyLabels": {
            "title": "title",
            "languageTag": "languageTag"
          "propertyDescriptions": {
            "title": "Enter the full title of the project",
            "languageTag": "A tag used to identify the language of a CEDAR free-text value (follows ISO 639-1)."
        "properties": {
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            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "title": {
                "enum": [
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            "title": "title field schema",
            "description": "title field schema generated by the CEDAR Template Editor 2.5.11",
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            "schema:description": "Enter the full title of the project",
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            "title": "languageTag field schema",
            "description": "languageTag field schema generated by the CEDAR Template Editor 2.5.11",
            "_ui": {
              "inputType": "textfield"
            "_valueConstraints": {
              "requiredValue": true,
              "ontologies": [
                  "numTerms": 2,
                  "acronym": "ISO639-1",
                  "name": "ISO 639-1: Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages - Part 1: Two-letter codes for languages",
                  "uri": ""
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              "classes": [],
              "branches": [],
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            "oslc:modifiedBy": "",
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            "schema:description": "A tag used to identify the language of a CEDAR free-text value (follows ISO 639-1).",
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            "$schema": ""
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        "oslc:modifiedBy": "",
        "schema:schemaVersion": "1.6.0",
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        "schema:description": "A name or title by which the project being described is known",
        "pav:version": "0.0.1",
        "bibo:status": "bibo:draft",
        "$schema": ""
      "minItems": 1
    "Acronym/short title": {
      "@type": "",
      "@context": {
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        "bibo": "",
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        "schema": "",
        "skos": "",
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        "pav:createdOn": {
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        "pav:lastUpdatedOn": {
          "@type": "xsd:dateTime"
        "oslc:modifiedBy": {
          "@type": "@id"
      "type": "object",
      "title": "Acronym/short title field schema",
      "description": "Acronym/short title field schema generated by the CEDAR Template Editor 2.5.11",
      "_ui": {
        "inputType": "textfield"
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      "properties": {
        "@type": {
          "oneOf": [
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              "minItems": 1,
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                "format": "uri"
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        "@value": {
          "type": [
        "rdfs:label": {
          "type": [
      "required": [
      "schema:name": "Acronym/short title",
      "schema:description": "Enter optional acronym/short title for the study",
      "pav:createdOn": "2020-10-29T23:56:41-07:00",
      "pav:createdBy": "",
      "pav:lastUpdatedOn": "2020-10-29T23:56:41-07:00",
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      "schema:schemaVersion": "1.6.0",
      "additionalProperties": false,
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      "@id": "",
      "$schema": ""
    "Start date": {
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      "@context": {
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        "pav": "",
        "bibo": "",
        "oslc": "",
        "schema": "",
        "skos": "",
        "schema:name": {
          "@type": "xsd:string"
        "schema:description": {
          "@type": "xsd:string"
        "skos:prefLabel": {
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        "skos:altLabel": {
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        "pav:createdOn": {
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          "@type": "xsd:dateTime"
        "oslc:modifiedBy": {
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      "type": "object",
      "title": "Start date field schema",
      "description": "Start date field schema generated by the CEDAR Template Editor 2.5.11",
      "_ui": {
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        "temporalGranularity": "day"
      "_valueConstraints": {
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        "@value": {
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          "type": [
      "required": [
      "schema:name": "Start date",
      "schema:description": "The date the project started or is expected to start",
      "pav:createdOn": "2020-10-29T23:56:41-07:00",
      "pav:createdBy": "",
      "pav:lastUpdatedOn": "2020-10-29T23:56:41-07:00",
      "oslc:modifiedBy": "",
      "schema:schemaVersion": "1.6.0",
      "additionalProperties": false,
      "skos:prefLabel": "Start date",
      "@id": "",
      "$schema": ""
    "Expected end date": {
      "@type": "",
      "@context": {
        "xsd": "",
        "pav": "",
        "bibo": "",
        "oslc": "",
        "schema": "",
        "skos": "",
        "schema:name": {
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        "schema:description": {
          "@type": "xsd:string"
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        "skos:altLabel": {
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        "pav:createdOn": {
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        "pav:createdBy": {
          "@type": "@id"
        "pav:lastUpdatedOn": {
          "@type": "xsd:dateTime"
        "oslc:modifiedBy": {
          "@type": "@id"
      "type": "object",
      "title": "Expected end date field schema",
      "description": "Expected end date field schema generated by the CEDAR Template Editor 2.5.11",
      "_ui": {
        "inputType": "temporal",
        "temporalGranularity": "day"
      "_valueConstraints": {
        "requiredValue": true,
        "temporalType": "xsd:date"
      "properties": {
        "@type": {
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  "schema:name": "COVID Project Metadata Template",
  "schema:description": "A metadata template for COVID 19 projects funded by ZonMw",
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graybeal commented 3 years ago

To troubleshoot this, I started deleting fields. I ended up deleting every field and element after the Project Partner element, and then it saved successfully. I then added in the following successfully:

What did not work was adding a controlled term branch from SNOMEDCT. Oddly, although the chosen branch is identified as 223369002 ("Country"), the countries shown are all African Countries—which is one of the choices underneath the Country selection.

This is repeatable. The copied request in the UI (from Network view in browser debugging window) is

The response is below. This response can be matched by directly requesting the request IRI in the browser. Note that the response has a pageSize of 50, while the request has a page_size=500. It turns out the correct term is pageSize, not page_size. Setting pageSize=500 returns all the countries.

This, however, does not explain why an error is presenting the metadata from being saved.

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graybeal commented 3 years ago

A second issue in the above-copied template is that there are multiple fields in which the name of the ontology is listed as undefined:

"source": "undefined (ZONMW-ADMIN-MD)",
"source": "undefined (SNOMEDCT)",

It isn't clear how or why this happened—although the ZONMW vocabulary had been updated in the same time frame as this template was being created, SNOMED CT had not.

graybeal commented 3 years ago

Returning to the main issue, I tried filling in all the values, this did not work.

Figuring the issues might be related to ontology constraints, I determined that in my test template, only one other field has an ontology constraint: the languageTag field for the Title. This constraint was mildly odd, in that it said numTerms was 2, but there are many more terms in the languageTag drop down (it's a weird SKOS thing, with 2 classes and lots of pseudo-classes).

I tested whether languageTag might be the problem by (1) changing it to not required; (2) removing the ontology, (3) removing the tag. Instance still wouldn't save.

I tried creating a template with the Country field. This worked (though with only showing the first 50 countries).

I went back to my Test Template and started removing fields/elements:

So now we're down to just the Country field, and it's still failing. The template now has the content below. I don't see anything particularly odd, except Property ID doesn't seem like it should be there.

  "@type": "",
  "@context": {
    "xsd": "",
    "pav": "",
    "bibo": "",
    "oslc": "",
    "schema": "",
    "schema:name": {
      "@type": "xsd:string"
    "schema:description": {
      "@type": "xsd:string"
    "pav:createdOn": {
      "@type": "xsd:dateTime"
    "pav:createdBy": {
      "@type": "@id"
    "pav:lastUpdatedOn": {
      "@type": "xsd:dateTime"
    "oslc:modifiedBy": {
      "@type": "@id"
  "type": "object",
  "title": "Testing covid project metadata template template schema",
  "description": "Testing covid project metadata template template schema generated by the CEDAR Template Editor 2.5.11",
  "_ui": {
    "pages": [],
    "order": [
    "propertyLabels": {
      "Country": "Country"
    "propertyDescriptions": {
      "Project ID": "",
      "Country": "Enter the name of the countries involved in the project"
  "properties": {
    "@context": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
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          "type": "string",
          "format": "uri",
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          "format": "uri",
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          "format": "uri",
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              "type": "string",
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            "@type": {
              "type": "string",
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            "@type": {
              "type": "string",
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          "type": "object",
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              "type": "string",
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          "type": "object",
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              "type": "string",
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          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "@type": {
              "type": "string",
              "enum": [
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          "properties": {
            "@type": {
              "type": "string",
              "enum": [
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      "format": "uri"
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      "minItems": 1,
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
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            "@type": "xsd:string"
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            "@type": "@id"
          "pav:lastUpdatedOn": {
            "@type": "xsd:dateTime"
          "oslc:modifiedBy": {
            "@type": "@id"
        "title": "Country field schema",
        "description": "Country field schema generated by the CEDAR Template Editor 2.5.11",
        "_ui": {
          "inputType": "textfield"
        "_valueConstraints": {
          "requiredValue": true,
          "ontologies": [],
          "valueSets": [],
          "classes": [],
          "branches": [
              "source": "SNOMED CT (SNOMEDCT)",
              "acronym": "SNOMEDCT",
              "uri": "",
              "name": "Country",
              "maxDepth": 0
          "multipleChoice": false
        "properties": {
          "@type": {
            "oneOf": [
                "type": "string",
                "format": "uri"
                "type": "array",
                "minItems": 1,
                "items": {
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "uri"
                "uniqueItems": true
          "rdfs:label": {
            "type": [
          "@id": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "uri"
        "required": [
        "additionalProperties": false,
        "pav:createdOn": "2020-10-30T02:26:22-07:00",
        "pav:createdBy": "",
        "pav:lastUpdatedOn": "2020-10-30T02:26:22-07:00",
        "oslc:modifiedBy": "",
        "schema:schemaVersion": "1.6.0",
        "schema:name": "Country",
        "schema:description": "Enter the name of the countries involved in the project",
        "$schema": ""
  "required": [
  "schema:name": "Testing COVID Project Metadata Template",
  "schema:description": "A metadata template for COVID 19 projects funded by ZonMw",
  "pav:createdOn": "2020-10-30T01:02:19-07:00",
  "pav:createdBy": "",
  "pav:lastUpdatedOn": "2020-10-30T02:26:22-07:00",
  "oslc:modifiedBy": "",
  "schema:schemaVersion": "1.6.0",
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "pav:version": "0.0.1",
  "bibo:status": "bibo:draft",
  "pav:derivedFrom": "",
  "@id": "",
  "$schema": ""
graybeal commented 3 years ago

So then I tried building up the template all over again. I got all the up to Type of Data, and it failed again. Deleting the last 4 entries (Type of Data element, Type of Collection element, Care Process Phase field, and Setting element) made it work again. Skipping the Setting element, I added all the others back in, and it still works. (yay)

Moving on, I was able to add Size of Collection field. When I added Population element, that failed again. Finally at the end I successfully entered one more element that was like the Type of Data element. Of the successful 2-part elements (there were only 2), neither have semantic content. Of the unsuccessful 2-part elements, most or all have semantic content. Just sayin'.

Do I vaguely remember an old ticket that had this problem? Shoot me if I just stayed up all night rediscovering this.

marcosmro commented 3 years ago

Hi @graybeal, here is a quick update on what I’ve discovered so far by taking a look at the original template (

  1. Some fields point to branches that do not exist anymore. For example, the class "Services" is called now "Service", in singular. The same happens to "Types of Data" -> "Type of Data", and may happen to other fields as well. In these cases, clicking on the dropdown generates an HTTP 404 error and its corresponding yellow box "Error establishing a connection to BioPortal."
  2. BioPortal search (and therefore, autocomplete search) does not work for the ZONMW-ADMIN-MD ontology. When the user starts typing, she gets "Not found":
  3. It seems clear to me that there is a bug in the cache of the CEDAR front end. The values of different fields get mixed. I'm looking into this issue now.
  4. Issues 1 and 3 together cause that some fields get the full list of values that correspond to other fields. This is the issue that you reported initially (different fields get the same dropdown menu!).
graybeal commented 3 years ago

Great update, thanks Marcos.

I’ll talk to Misha about the search issues. It seems we may have different endpoints considering different definitions of a class, but I also wonder if search may be not working as expected. >> Realized (below) it was just indexing hadn't been done yet.

Thanks for looking into the caching issue. I was aware of #1 but stymied to fix it (I created it but didn’t anticipate the template update challenges!).

Any idea what is causing the “can’t save instances” problem? That’s a bit of a blocker, a big painful blocker actually.


From: Marcos Martinez Sent: Friday, October 30, 2020 2:11:20 PM To: metadatacenter/cedar-project Cc: John Graybeal; Mention Subject: Re: [metadatacenter/cedar-project] strange Metadata Editor dropdowns (#1106)

Hi @graybeal, here is a quick update on what I’ve discovered so far by taking a look at the original template (

  1. Some fields point to branches that do not exist anymore. For example, the class “Services” is called now “Service”, in singular. The same happens to “Types of Data” -> “Type of Data”, and may happen to other fields as well. In these cases, clicking on the dropdown generates an HTTP 404 error and its corresponding yellow box “Error establishing a connection to BioPortal.”
  2. BioPortal search (and therefore, autocomplete search - When you start typing, you get “Not Found.”) does not work for the ZONMW-ADMIN-MD ontology. Example: This problem may be related to the fact that the summary page shows only 2 classes for the ontology (
  3. It seems clear to me that there is a bug in the cache of the CEDAR front end. The values of different fields get mixed. I’m looking into this issue now.
  4. Issues 1 and 3 together cause that some fields get the full list of values that correspond to other fields.

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marcosmro commented 3 years ago

I've fixed the template. The good news is that there were no issues with our cache. The template was just broken. Apart from issues #1 and #2 mentioned in my previous comment, I found the following problems:

  1. There were multiple fields with the same identifier (@id) and different content. These duplicated identifiers were the cause of the wrong values in the dropdown. We should try to avoid fields with different content or constraints and the same identifier. CEDAR should indeed be able to check that case and inform the user, but it's just something that it's not there yet. I've regenerated all the identifiers of the fields in the template, to be sure that there are no duplicates.

  2. The model contained some controlled fields that required an "@value". That's wrong since controlled fields store their values using "@id". We've seen this issue in the past, and we've observed that it may happen in particular cases when changing the field between controlled and non-controlled, but it's still a TO-DO task. This behavior was the cause of the "can't save instances" problem. I've removed the "@value" requirement in the model for those controlled fields that had it. These fields included Service, Population, TypeOfData, TypeOfCollection, and Setting.

I've also fixed #1.

I've uploaded the fixed template (called "COVID Project Metadata Template - fixed - Marcos" - of course, feel free to rename it") to the "Project Metadata Template" folder, and given @graybeal write permissions. Here are the links to the template and the folder where it's stored:

graybeal commented 3 years ago

I don't fully understand #6. What does the user does (if anything) that requires @value—are there instructions to give to the user here? >> Update: I see now, the instruction to users is "don't change field from text to CV—delete and replace."

Re #5: Could it cause a problem if I make a copy of an element (or several) and use them all in one template? So the same identifier showing up in multiple places from different elements could cause a problem? How can we guide the user here?

Should we explicitly avoid the existing template(s), consider them corrupt? >> I will go through the elements and make them independent identifiers somehow. Then I will replace them in one of the templates.

It would be good to know which template you based the fixed template on, I assume it was the 'original template' you cited in an earlier comment (a6cdaff0-6ef6-4759-9f60-22e7c7467d64). >> I've just done a diff and determined differences in identifiers and the 'missing' vocabularies only. So, correct assumption.

graybeal commented 3 years ago

Re item #2, BioPortal search appears to work fine now. The search indexing happens overnight, and this vocabulary would have been updated early on Friday, so the search indexing wouldn't have happened yet. A problem of sorts but not a bug, exactly.

graybeal commented 3 years ago

Updating the knowledge on these 6 points:

  1. Some fields point to branches that do not exist anymore. >> Yes, a known outcome I consciously caused, and fixed later.
  2. BioPortal search (and autocomplete search) does not work for ZONMW-ADMIN-MD ontology. >> Indexed that night.
  3. It seems clear to me that there is a bug in the cache of the CEDAR front end. >> "Just a broken template." (?)
  4. Different fields get the same dropdown menu!). >> Pointing to no-longer existing branches is bad. Won't do it.
  5. multiple fields with the same identifier (@id) and different content. >> Need to understand how user causes and avoids this. For now, I will go through the elements and make sure all the identifiers are different somehow. (How did you do this in the template?)
  6. model contained some controlled fields that required an "@value" >> Can confirm this would have been created when turning text fields for CV fields. Will look for that in the elements and in my funky template.
marcosmro commented 3 years ago

3 - Right. The issues in the dropdown where not caused by the cache. The template was broken.

5 - I'd also like to know how the user caused this. I think that part of the process involves inserting the same element into the template multiple times and then change it, or the other way around, but I'm not sure how the user did this. In order to fix the fields, I took the original template and reassigned identifiers to all the fields by hand, at the JSON-LD level. It took me a while, but I think that the fixed template doesn't have any duplicated field identifiers.

6 - I've created a GitHub issue to fix this problem:

graybeal commented 3 years ago

5 - With the information you provided, I assessed the elements from which the template was constructed. The elements themselves had the same issue. I don't have your identifier-hand-edit mojo, so what I did to fix it was delete the offending CV-based field and recreate it, then verify by inspecting the 'required:' items that there were the right number. The problem came back today in another template created by the same person, in this case caused by a field created within the template (the Country field). (Found it by inspecting all the required: items in the JSON.) I deleted the field and replaced it and the "can't save instances" issue with that template went away. I'll put a comment about my theory in the other ticket.