Verify initial connection using the supplied credentials and experiment with APIs to request minting of DOIs.
Hi John and Martin,
I have set up the test account for you. The account ID is SFL.CEDAR. I set the system email to Martin’s Stanford email address. Please let me know if system messages should be going somewhere else and I can update that.
Martin should have received a message with the activation link that he can use to set the password for the repository account. You will use this password and the account ID above to log into both the test Fabrica system and the test API. You can find the DataCite testing guide at
Please let me know if you need anything else. In the meantime, I’ll look for a time that Mark, Martin, Hannah, myself, and John if we can get you there as well can meet to talk about the service in general and how it works.
~ Amy
Verify initial connection using the supplied credentials and experiment with APIs to request minting of DOIs.