metadriverse / scenarionet

ScenarioNet: Scalable Traffic Scenario Management System for Autonomous Driving
Apache License 2.0
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The new Lyft data #82

Open huyuening opened 1 month ago

huyuening commented 1 month ago

How long do you expect it to take to complete the conversion code for the new Lyft level 5 predictive dataset?

QuanyiLi commented 4 weeks ago

It doesn't have a high priority for now. If everything goes well, we expect to have it in late this year.

If you want to use this data soon, you can try implementing a converter on your own. And we will provide any support we can to help you make it. As the toolkit is very like nuscenes-devkit, the converter won't be very different from the nuscenes converter, and the workload should not be very large.