metafates / mangal-scrapers

🌙 A collection of custom scrapers for mangal
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add toonily scraper #7

Open shedman214 opened 1 year ago

shedman214 commented 1 year ago

I want to add toonily to my scraper:

How do i add it. never used lua before?

doctorniz commented 1 year ago

----- IMPORTS ----- Html = require("html") Http = require("http") --- END IMPORTS ---

----- VARIABLES ----- Client = Http.client() Base = "" --- END VARIABLES ---

----- MAIN -----

--- Searches for manga with given query. -- @param query Query to search for -- @return Table of tables with the following fields: name, url function SearchManga(query) local request = Http.request("GET", Base .. "/search/" .. string.gsub(query, " ", "-")) local result = Client:do_request(request)

local doc = Html.parse(result.body)
local mangas = {}

doc:find(".page-item-detail > div > a"):each(function (i, s)
    local manga = { name = s:text(), url = Base .. s:attr("href") }
    mangas[i+1] = manga

return mangas


--- Gets the list of all manga chapters. -- @param mangaURL URL of the manga -- @return Table of tables with the following fields: name, url function MangaChapters(mangaURL) local request = Http.request("GET", mangaURL) local result = Client:do_request(request) local doc = Html.parse(result.body)

local chapters = {}

doc:find(".chapter-name"):each(function (i, s)
    local chapter = { name = s:text(), url = Base .. s:attr("href") }
    chapters[i+1] = chapter


return chapters


--- Gets the list of all pages of a chapter. -- @param chapterURL URL of the chapter -- @return Table of tables with the following fields: url, index function ChapterPages(chapterURL) local request = Http.request("GET", chapterURL) local result = Client:do_request(request) local doc = Html.parse(result.body)

local pages = {}

doc:find(".container-chapter-reader img"):each(function (i, s)
    local page = { index = i, url = s:attr("data-src") }
    pages[i+1] = page

return pages


--- END MAIN ---

----- HELPERS ----- function Reverse(t) local n = #t local i = 1 while i < n do t[i],t[n] = t[n],t[i] i = i + 1 n = n - 1 end end --- END HELPERS ---

-- ex: ts=4 sw=4 et filetype=lua

For some reason this does not work, I am not a programmer by trade and have never heard of Lua before today. I was wondering if someone could help