metafizzy / flickity

:leaves: Touch, responsive, flickable carousels
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Support `prefers-reduced-motion` media query #951

Open danrichman opened 5 years ago

danrichman commented 5 years ago

When clicking left/right paddles, the current implementation is too fast for those with motion-triggered vestibular spectrum disorder. Some users will likely experience distraction or nausea from the animation. flickity should attempt to support the prefers-reduced-motion media query.

const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)');
mediaQuery.addEventListener('change', () => {
  console.log(, mediaQuery.matches);
  // Stop JavaScript-based animations.
@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
  // Override CSS-based animations


Alternate approaches: • Slow down animations considerably. • Fade in/out into the next shelf pagination, instead of smoothScroll.

desandro commented 5 years ago

Add a 👍 reaction to this issue if you would like to see Flickity support prefers-reduced-motion

In the meantime, you add your own custom navigation buttons that trigger next, previous, and select instantly with no animation.

Or you can use flickity-fade for fading between slides instead of motion.

ChasBelov commented 5 months ago

Confirmed the behavior makes me feel ill, probably not a sensation sites using this code want associated with their brand. I have prefers-reduced-motion set. Fade doesn't make me feel ill but it can be distracting; I'd prefer no cosmetic animation.