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:revolving_hearts: Filter & sort magical layouts
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isotope 3, message when no results? #1623

Closed unijez closed 2 years ago

unijez commented 2 years ago

Is there any way or documentation for showing some content when there are no results.

I've tried the following but i think its from isotope 2 code and doesn't work?

    var $grid = $('.filter-grid').isotope({
            itemSelector: '.filter-grid__container',
        percentPosition: true,
        horizontalOrder: true,
        masonry: {
            columnWidth: '.filter-grid-sizer'

        $grid.isotope({ filter: '.filter-grid' });

        if ( !$'isotope').$filteredAtoms.length ) {
        } else {

Thank you for any help.

thesublimeobject commented 2 years ago

@unijez — I've run into this as well, and I typically just write a small bit of custom code myself to cover it, since it's not too difficult.

I'll usually just have a small div, something like this—

<p class="isotope__no-results" id="isotope__no-results">
    The current filter selection resulted in no matches... (or whatever)

And then in the JS I'll add an event listener on layout complete (reference)—

isoptope.on('layoutComplete', function(items) {
    document.getElementById('isotope__no-results').style.display = items?.length ? 'block' : 'none'

The listener passes items as an argument, which is the active set of filtered items currently in the Isotope instance. So basically I just check to see if there are more or less than 1 elements in the current filters: if not, I display the no results HTML, and if there is, I hide it again. You can do this a lot of different ways too, so whatever works for you.

Let me know if you have any other questions!