Since tiles, together with filtering, sorting, as well as in combination with lazy loading and imagesLoaded etc. are such a natural possibility for structured data UIs, and therefore used increasingly often for complexity reduction and UX, I suggest to implement possibilities for bundling selected features out of Isotope, Packery, Infinite Scroll, imagesLoaded, etc. together. At best with an easy to handle Builder Tool.
Quick Start with a ready to use library (why not even bundle together with HTML/CSS templates)
Adaptability/Extendibility of the library features can be handled on click, you simple replace your currently used library
Small library sizes, since only needed features are included
Browser-targeted libraries / jQuery-Vanilla selection reduce the size even more
Since tiles, together with filtering, sorting, as well as in combination with lazy loading and imagesLoaded etc. are such a natural possibility for structured data UIs, and therefore used increasingly often for complexity reduction and UX, I suggest to implement possibilities for bundling selected features out of Isotope, Packery, Infinite Scroll, imagesLoaded, etc. together. At best with an easy to handle Builder Tool. Benefits: