metafizzy / outlayer

:construction_worker: the brains & guts of a layout library
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Add animation for IE8 and IE9 #15

Closed desandro closed 9 years ago

desandro commented 10 years ago

Outlayer animation uses CSS transitions. Browsers that do not support transitions get no animation. If you'd like to see animation for IE8 and IE9, please +1.

rmorse commented 10 years ago


fk commented 10 years ago

+1 (even if I personally wouldn't :/ – but this is the only thing preventing us to upgrade to Isotope v2 in a commercial project where support for IE9 and 8 and "visual filtering" is a requirement)

dbo90 commented 10 years ago

+1 from me too ;) I personally wouldn't use it but people still asking for this so I think it is unfortunately needed :)

LCweb-ita commented 10 years ago

+1 also from me. At least for IE9 I'd like to use a JS animation fallback.

I think should be better to use an option to enable the fallback and/or a code module to use in addition to isotope core.

Unfortunately on global projects (in my case WP plugins) IE9 is widely used and someone still asks for IE8..!

SteveRyan-ASU commented 10 years ago

I am currently paddling uphill in this particular river... So, yes, if possible, I would love to see a jQuery fallback for IE9. :+1:

julianhandl commented 10 years ago


Zillion01 commented 10 years ago

iE9 +1

AdelDima commented 9 years ago


Michiel91 commented 9 years ago


creunabo commented 9 years ago


roeycohen commented 9 years ago


sculove commented 9 years ago


qiumohanyu commented 9 years ago


desandro commented 9 years ago

I'll be dropping support for IE8 and IE9 at the end of the year. Sorry, but this feature request will not be fulfilled. Putting this one to rest :sleeping: