metafizzy / outlayer

:construction_worker: the brains & guts of a layout library
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Wiredep bug - item.js missing in bower.json main #33

Open Lucas-C opened 9 years ago

Lucas-C commented 9 years ago


It appears that commit 914f1f2 introduced a bug:

How can window.Outlayer.Item be defined before assigning the result of the factory call to window.Outlayer ?

My Karma tests fail on this when launching PhantomJS, with the following error:

Running "karma:dev" (karma) task
INFO [karma]: Karma v0.12.31 server started at http://localhost:9876/
INFO [launcher]: Starting browser PhantomJS
INFO [PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Windows 8)]: Connected on socket _xqtqhxXOy8qR62SOmNJ with id 26908454
PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Windows 8) ERROR
  TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'window.Outlayer.Item')
  at src/main/bower_components/outlayer/outlayer.js:42

Or did I got the root cause wrong ?

Lucas-C commented 9 years ago

Actually this already happened in v1.3.0

Looks like @dimerman had a similar issue back in 2013 :

Seems like I "need to have item.js before outlayer.js".

But outlayer is just a dependency of packery for me : shouldn't item.js be automagically included as a dependency by bower ? I does not appear when I run bower list.

desandro commented 9 years ago

bower's main has been poorly defined in the past. While previous versions of Outlayer did include item.js in main, Outlayer v1.3 has adopted a new specification for main. See bower/bower.json-spec#43.

Unfortunately, this may break build tools. Thanks for reporting this issue.

EHLOVader commented 9 years ago

I was affected by this as I use wiredep for loading the bower dependencies into my web projects. I can understand the single file entry point philosophy in bower only if the file actually serves as a single entry point.

Either a single concatenated distribution file or a single file which requires all others in some way.

Until this is resolved I have added the below override to my growing list of overrides to patch scenarios like this one.

Hopefully this helps others.

  "overrides": {
    "outlayer": {
      "main": [
Lucas-C commented 9 years ago

Thanks @EHLOVader ! That did the trick for me

jesusjackson commented 9 years ago

Sorry to bother @EHLOVader but i'm a noob. Does the override snipet you showed goes on the bower.json after the dependencies or somewhere different?

EHLOVader commented 9 years ago

@jesusjackson you've got it!

You just add an overrides property to your bower.json object. It can go anywhere afaik. I think the property is "unofficial" but I can't see it going anywhere any time soon. So many people depend on it for things like this. Here are details from, was the best doc I found on the topic.

jesusjackson commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the quick answer @EHLOVader, but apparently grunt is ignoring the overrides

"overrides": {
    "isotope": {
      "main": ["./dist/isotope.pkgd.min.js"]
    "outlayer": {
      "main": [

Is generating these two lines instead of the ones i specified on the override:

    <script src="bower_components/outlayer/outlayer.js"></script>
    <script src="bower_components/masonry/masonry.js"></script>
    <script src="bower_components/isotope/js/isotope.js"></script>
EHLOVader commented 9 years ago

@jesusjackson That is certainly odd. Perhaps not using a ./ relative location for your main file.

This override that I have here is only a fraction of the full override I have started using myself. Since the definition of the main property was changed and only single entry points were recommended I have had to override many projects which weren't built for a single entry point, like this one.

I think a pretty complete override that worked for me is here

I had to include the dependencies on that one for jquery-bridget support.

If that doesn't work what are you using for grunt to handle the dependencies? I use gulp myself, but I see gulp-bower-install mentioned in a few comment threads that suggest switching to gulp-wiredep or just newer versions.

Good luck.

jesusjackson commented 9 years ago

No use @EHLOVader, apparently bower hates me. I use wiredep, but even with your full override. I'll put my bower.json here. Thanks for all the help.

"overrides": {
    "isotope": {
      "main": [
      "dependencies": {
        "get-size": ">=1.1.8 <1.3",
        "matches-selector": ">=1 <2",
        "outlayer": "1.3.x",
        "masonry": "3.2.x",
        "jquery": ">=1.4.3 <2",
        "jquery-bridget": "1.1.x"
    "outlayer": {
      "main": [
danimalweb commented 9 years ago

Thanks @jesusjackson this helped me out.

OmgImAlexis commented 9 years ago

For anyone using grunt-bower-concat try something like this.

module.exports = function(grunt) {
        bower_concat: {
            all: {
                dest: './_bower.js',
                cssDest: './_bower.css',
                exclude: [
                dependencies: {
                mainFiles: {
                    'isotope': [
                    "outlayer": [
                bowerOptions: {
                    relative: false


    grunt.registerTask('default', ['bower_concat']);
PhilippSoehnlein commented 8 years ago

@OmgImAlexis You shouldn't do it this way, you will end up including Outlayer twice in your generated file, because isotope.pkgd.min.js already includes it.

Here's my version:

module.exports = function(grunt) {
        bower_concat: {
            yourBuildTarget: {
                mainFiles: {
                    // outlayer (and isotope) have a main-definition that conflicts with non-module loader setups.
                    // See
                    'outlayer':   ['item.js', 'outlayer.js'],
                    'isotope':    [
                        'js/layout-modes/fit-rows.js', 'js/layout-modes/masonry.js', 'js/layout-modes/vertical.js',
    // …
lucasengel commented 8 years ago

Isn't there an official resolution for this yet?

EHLOVader commented 8 years ago

It basically is resolved.

From the comment above:

bower's main has been poorly defined in the past. While previous versions of Outlayer did include item.js in main, Outlayer v1.3 has adopted a new specification for main. See bower/spec#43.

Unfortunately, this may break build tools. Thanks for reporting this issue.

There is still some discussion over here on ways to improve this beyond just using overrides, but overrides or using the pkgd dist file is the official solution afaik.

lucasengel commented 8 years ago

Thanks @EHLOVader!

For anyone using Grunt, here's my version on fixing Masonry dependencies:

wiredep: {
  options: {
    "overrides": {
      "ev-emitter": {
        "dependencies": {
          "jquery-bridget": ">=2.0.0"
      "outlayer": {
        "main": [
lgrassini commented 8 years ago

Thanks @EHLOVader it worked for me.