metajack / libstrophe

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Libstrophe-based test case to ask for help #30

Open SpongeBob-SquarePants opened 11 years ago

SpongeBob-SquarePants commented 11 years ago

Then I look at the test / bot case Please predecessors help us to see

./bot admin@localhost wanghao xmpp DEBUG SRV lookup failed. xmpp DEBUG Using alternate domain , port 0 xmpp DEBUG sock_connect to localhost:5222 returned 3 xmpp DEBUG attempting to connect to localhost xmpp DEBUG connection successful conn DEBUG SENT: <?xml version="1.0"?> xmpp DEBUG RECV: xmpp DEBUG RECV: stream:featuresDIGEST-MD5PLAINANONYMOUSCRAM-MD5zlib/stream:features conn DEBUG SENT: xmpp DEBUG RECV: xmpp DEBUG handle proceedtls called for proceed xmpp DEBUG proceeding with TLS

Wrote this when stopped Ask for help

metajack commented 11 years ago

My only guess is that perhaps it's not compiled with the right TLS lib?

It should be sending a new stream header right then, but this header would be the first set of bytes that are TLS encrypted. Any errors on the server side?

SpongeBob-SquarePants commented 11 years ago

What is the I am taking the test is to use a / the bot wanghao is not xmpp wait for the DEBUG proceeding with the TLS this. Can you tell me, I am here under the libstrophe the source code examples of how to run the examples in the bot.c Please predecessors have advice

SpongeBob-SquarePants commented 11 years ago

Please predecessors help us to see

Own openfire server from the Internet through. Run bot.c case procedures, and results: . / Bot admin @ localhost wanghao xmpp DEBUG SRV lookup failed. xmpp DEBUG Using alternate domain, port 0 xmpp DEBUG sock_connect to localhost: 5222 returned 3 xmpp DEBUG attempting to connect to localhost xmpp DEBUG connection successful conn DEBUG SENT: <? xml version = "1.0"?> xmpp DEBUG RECV: xmpp DEBUG RECV: stream: featuresDIGEST-MD5PLAINANONYMOUSCRAM-MD5zlib/stream: features conn DEBUG SENT: xmpp DEBUG RECV: xmpp DEBUG handle proceedtls called for proceed xmpp DEBUG proceeding with TLS

Leave it at that fixed

Can I run a gmail:

. / Bot wanghao19881215 xmpp DEBUG sock_connect to 5222 returned 3 xmpp DEBUG attempting to connect to xmpp DEBUG connection successful conn DEBUG SENT: <? xml version = "1.0"?> xmpp DEBUG RECV: xmpp DEBUG RECV: stream:features </ starttls> X-GOOGLE-TOKEN </ mechanism> X-OAUTH2 </ mechanism> </ mechanisms> </ stream: features> conn DEBUG SENT: xmpp DEBUG RECV: xmpp DEBUG handle proceedtls called for proceed xmpp DEBUG proceeding with TLS conn DEBUG SENT: <? xml version = "1.0"?> xmpp DEBUG RECV: xmpp DEBUG RECV: stream:features PLAIN </ mechanism> X-GOOGLE-TOKEN </ mechanism> < mechanism> X-OAUTH2 </ mechanism> </ mechanisms> </ stream: features> conn DEBUG SENT: AHczMzA1NjQ5MDkAd2FuZ2hhbzE5ODgxMjE1 </ auth> xmpp DEBUG RECV: xmpp DEBUG SASL PLAIN auth successful conn DEBUG SENT: <? xml version = "1.0"?> xmpp DEBUG RECV: xmpp DEBUG Reopened stream successfully. xmpp DEBUG RECV: stream:features <session xmlns = "urn: ietf: params: xml: ns: xmpp-session" / > </ stream: features> conn DEBUG SENT: </ iq> xmpp DEBUG RECV: / 37E40184 </ jid > </ bind> </ iq> xmpp DEBUG Bind successful. conn DEBUG SENT: </ iq> xmpp DEBUG RECV: xmpp DEBUG Session establishment successful. DEBUG: connected conn DEBUG SENT: xmpp DEBUG RECV: 24 </ priority> < x xmlns = "vcard-temp: x: update"> </ x> </ presence>

why? Help me to answer you.