metal3d / goreorder

Reorder methods, constructors and structs in Go files
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Ordering issues with var #4

Closed andydotxyz closed 1 year ago

andydotxyz commented 2 years ago

When reordering the app/settings.go file in Fyne repo the tool moved a var declaration to the end

// Declare conformity with Settings interface
var _ fyne.Settings = (*settings)(nil)

But normally var and const are at the top, in app/app.go it remained at the top.

metal3d commented 1 year ago

This is what it does now on app/settings.go:

package app

import (


var noAnimations bool // set to true at compile time if no_animations tag is passed

// Declare conformity with Settings interface
var _ fyne.Settings = (*settings)(nil)

// SettingsSchema is used for loading and storing global settings
type SettingsSchema struct {
    // these items are used for global settings load
    ThemeName         string  `json:"theme"`
    Scale             float32 `json:"scale"`
    PrimaryColor      string  `json:"primary_color"`
    CloudName         string  `json:"cloud_name"`
    CloudConfig       string  `json:"cloud_config"`
    DisableAnimations bool    `json:"no_animations"`

// StoragePath returns the location of the settings storage
func (sc *SettingsSchema) StoragePath() string {
    return filepath.Join(rootConfigDir(), "settings.json")

type settings struct {
    propertyLock   sync.RWMutex
    theme          fyne.Theme
    themeSpecified bool
    variant        fyne.ThemeVariant

    changeListeners sync.Map    // map[chan fyne.Settings]bool
    watcher         interface{} // normally *fsnotify.Watcher or nil - avoid import in this file

    schema SettingsSchema

func loadSettings() *settings {
    s := &settings{}

    return s

func (s *settings) AddChangeListener(listener chan fyne.Settings) {
    s.changeListeners.Store(listener, true) // the boolean is just a dummy value here.

func (s *settings) BuildType() fyne.BuildType {
    return buildMode

// OverrideTheme allows the settings app to temporarily preview different theme details.
// Please make sure that you remember the original settings and call this again to revert the change.
func (s *settings) OverrideTheme(theme fyne.Theme, name string) {
    defer s.propertyLock.Unlock()
    s.schema.PrimaryColor = name
    s.theme = theme

func (s *settings) PrimaryColor() string {
    defer s.propertyLock.RUnlock()
    return s.schema.PrimaryColor

func (s *settings) Scale() float32 {
    defer s.propertyLock.RUnlock()
    if s.schema.Scale < 0.0 {
        return 1.0 // catching any really old data still using the `-1`  value for "auto" scale
    return s.schema.Scale

func (s *settings) SetTheme(theme fyne.Theme) {
    s.themeSpecified = true
    s.applyTheme(theme, s.variant)

func (s *settings) ShowAnimations() bool {
    return !s.schema.DisableAnimations && !noAnimations

func (s *settings) Theme() fyne.Theme {
    defer s.propertyLock.RUnlock()
    return s.theme

func (s *settings) ThemeVariant() fyne.ThemeVariant {
    return s.variant

func (s *settings) apply() {
    s.changeListeners.Range(func(key, _ interface{}) bool {
        listener := key.(chan fyne.Settings)
        select {
        case listener <- s:
            l := listener
            go func() { l <- s }()
        return true

func (s *settings) applyTheme(theme fyne.Theme, variant fyne.ThemeVariant) {
    defer s.propertyLock.Unlock()
    s.variant = variant
    s.theme = theme

func (s *settings) fileChanged() {

func (s *settings) loadSystemTheme() fyne.Theme {
    path := filepath.Join(rootConfigDir(), "theme.json")
    data, err := fyne.LoadResourceFromPath(path)
    if err != nil {
        if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
            fyne.LogError("Failed to load user theme file: "+path, err)
        return theme.DefaultTheme()
    if data != nil && data.Content() != nil {
        th, err := theme.FromJSONReader(bytes.NewReader(data.Content()))
        if err == nil {
            return th
        fyne.LogError("Failed to parse user theme file: "+path, err)
    return theme.DefaultTheme()

func (s *settings) setupTheme() {
    name := s.schema.ThemeName
    if env := os.Getenv("FYNE_THEME"); env != "" {
        name = env

    variant := defaultVariant()
    effectiveTheme := s.theme
    if !s.themeSpecified {
        effectiveTheme = s.loadSystemTheme()
    switch name {
    case "light":
        variant = theme.VariantLight
    case "dark":
        variant = theme.VariantDark

    s.applyTheme(effectiveTheme, variant)
andydotxyz commented 1 year ago

Oh slick this look good. I will try it against the codebase this afternoon!

andydotxyz commented 1 year ago

Looks great