metalman3797 / Cura-Dremel-Printer-Plugin

Dremel Idea Builder plugin for Cura version 3.x and onward. This plugin enables the user to use the Dremel Ideabuilder 3D20, 3D40, and 3D45 printers and use Cura to export the proprietary .g3drem files.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
57 stars 10 forks source link

No Dremel printer available in printers list #77

Closed polybius80 closed 3 years ago

polybius80 commented 3 years ago

Hi I installed your plug-in in various cura versions but the dremel printer is not listed, I tested many versions of cura and your last 2 versions of the plug-in and also installed manually in each case and restarted cura many times, there is the menu of the plug in, its installed but still not printer in the list

I am using the latest ubuntu (21.04) as reference

thank you for your time

timmehtimmeh commented 3 years ago

Hi @polybius80

I just tested using Ubuntu 20.10 following steps outlined below and was able to add a Dremel 3D20 from a clean install of Cura.

Steps 1) Download Ultimaker Cura 4.9.1 AppImage 2) Moved the .appimage to my Desktop and ran chmod 755 on the Appimage 3) Reset Cura to the factory state by deleting cura's caches (done by running the following commands):

rm -rf ~/.local/share/cura/*
rm -rf ~/.config/cura/* 
rm -rf ~/.cache/cura/*
  1. Launch Cura & stepped through the initial prompts. When it came time to choose a printer you can see that the Dremel 3D20 wasn't an option. I simply selected the Ultimaker S5 default option Cura-No-Dremel

  2. Open up Cura's marketplace (note that because I deleted Cura's caches I have no plugins installed. Screenshot from 2021-06-16 11-08-33

  3. Navigate to the Marketplace's plugins directory, find the Dremel 3D20 plugin (ver 0.6.4) and click the Install Button Install

  4. At this point I was prompted to restart Cura, so I clicked the "Quit Ultimaker Cura" button Restart

  5. I then re-launched the Appimage, navigated to Settings->Printer->Add Printer AddPrinter

  6. Scrolling down the Dremel printer is now an option. AddDremel

  7. The Dremel3D20 was successfully added: DremelAdded

Please try the above sequence...if following those steps don't work then if you don't mind uploading your cura.log file located in ~/.local/share/cura/4.9/cura.log after performing the steps above it would be helpful. Additionally if the above sequence doesn't work please let me know if you see a Dremel3D20.def.json in ~/.local/share/cura/4.9/definitions/Dremel3D20.def.json

Internally the plugin contains a zip file that it unzips to put the printer definition, material definition, and settings into the proper location. Every time that cura starts, the plugin checks whether all the necessary files are installed and if they are the correct version. If not then the plugin unzips the correct version from the zip file and copies the files to their correct location. It may be that on your computer for some reason some part of that process isn't working (maybe a permissions error, maybe something else...)

timmehtimmeh commented 3 years ago

One additional note for what it's worth: I just upgraded my computer to Ubuntu 21.04 and followed the above steps again (once again clearing cura's cache first to start cura from default settings) and was also able to successfully install the 3D20.

polybius80 commented 3 years ago

it now works, thank you

apparently it was something with the cura cache

timmehtimmeh commented 3 years ago

Awesome - glad to hear that it's working now. :partying_face:

If you'd ever used a really old version of the plugin and toggled the the plugin's preferences page->install plugin files checkbox that may have caused the issue, I'll review the code to see if there's a chance for improvement in it.
