metalman3797 / Cura-Dremel-Printer-Plugin

Dremel Idea Builder plugin for Cura version 3.x and onward. This plugin enables the user to use the Dremel Ideabuilder 3D20, 3D40, and 3D45 printers and use Cura to export the proprietary .g3drem files.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Acceleration Enabled by Default? #81

Closed eduncan911 closed 3 years ago

eduncan911 commented 3 years ago

Hey Tim!

Was looking over your settings from the plugin and noticed that the acceleration flag is enabled to true.

Also noticed it's enabled on the 3D45.

I think this is an issue, because with the flag set to True, and no actual acceleration settings set, Cura defaults them to a whopping 3000mm/s/s (and travel at 5000mm/s/s).

For comparison, the Merlin hack for the 3D20 sets them to 200mm/s/s, and travel to 1000mm/s/s:

So, we could either:

Whichever you think is correct, I can open a PR for. Just a little direction of what you are thinking.

Btw, 3D45 seems to be nice and quiet at 800/1200 accel and 8.0 jerk. Otherwise, the 3D45 with default jerk settings sounds like it will rattle apart, which I am sure you have heard. :)

And the 3D20 is pretty loud on it's jerk settings, so I was going to set it to 5.0 from the Marlin firmware to see how it sounds on this next print in the next hour.

timmehtimmeh commented 3 years ago

@eduncan911 - good catch. The 3D20 acceleration value has been enabled since version 0.6.5 about 5 months ago and you're the first person to bring it to my attention - thanks!

So, we could either:

  • leave them enabled (true) and set these settings (I'm about to test this 200/1000 combo right now).
  • or, we can just remove the True and default to False - which should use the default Firmware settings.

If your testing shows that 200/1000 works better than the current settings I have a slight preference to leave the setting as "True" and put the numbers in just so that it's a known number controlled by the plugin, but i'm fine with the first option as well.

Regarding the 3D45 - feel free to modify the accel/jerk for that definition as well if you want and put it in the PR. When I get home tonight I'll give your suggestions/PR a test



eduncan911 commented 3 years ago

Ha, yeah I noticed it to with the old 3D20 plugin and just unchecked it. Mainly cause I was like, "why is this thing so loud when sliced with Cura (with plugin)?" I actually think I had a layer shift a long time ago when using the Cura plugin for the 3D20 (which a 3000mm/s/s would cause, if the printer can't handle it!).

timmehtimmeh commented 3 years ago

Upon a bit closer inspection it appears that I added the acceleration enabled flag in version 0.6.5 of the 3D20 plugin about 6 months ago, not in the initial commit (I edited my comment above to reflect that). Regardless - thank you for finding & reporting the issue.

As I said I'm totally fine with either solution, if your testing shows that 200/1000 works then let's set the accel to that, but if the default settings with accel disabled are better then let's disable the acceleration. My true preference is for the user to have the best experience.

eduncan911 commented 3 years ago

My true preference is for the user to have the best experience.

Exactly! I was already impressed with the updated Dremel PLA settings, changed from the default 220 to 210 or something, and initial first layer of 200. :)

It's running now, but still seems jerky at 200/1000 with just 5.0 jerk. Either that's just the way the mechnicals are, or the 3D20 stock firmware just ignores it.

200/1000 is what the stock firmware is (with 5.0 jerk). So we could just check that in.

I do know the 3D45 settings above does give a much nicer experience - at the expense of about 5-10% slower overall print time. You should try 800/1200 accel and 8.0 jerk on the 3D45 when you get home. Actually, you can run a test print with both stock settings, and then insert these GCODE commands to adjust it. Say, after 4 or 5 layers, insert these GCODE commands:

M201 X2000 Y2000 E2000 # sets the limits, which won't really be used
M204 P800 R800 T1200 # sets the effective acceleration
M205 X8.0 Y8.0 # set jerk on X and Y

Same goes for the 3D20, just different settings. I'll try that on my next print to test what stock vs. adjusted settings does sound like right in the middle of a print. Wouldn't be until tomorrow though...

But check the GCODE to see if Cura isn't already overriding these. if you have accelleration and jerk enabled in Cura (I think they are under Speed), then Cura will constantly override these M204 and M205 commands quite often.

Unchecking them will let the printer use it's firmware defaults, which you can then go into layer 5 or so and insert the commands above.

timmehtimmeh commented 3 years ago

@eduncan911 - I've made the following changes & tested them - the actual print quality of Benchy with Dremel PLA (0.75kg) seems about the same on the 3D45 as before the changes, but as you mention the 3D45 is much less prone to vibration & making noise, and I'm confident that your suggested settings will improve the print quality in many situations. Additionally, with the new settings the 3D20 Benchy is better.

The table below summarizes the acceleration/jerk changes that I've made that will be available in plugin version 0.7.1.

Setting 3D20 3D40 3D45
accel enabled false false true
jerk enabled false false true
acceleration_print* 200 200 800
acceleration_travel* 1000 1000 1200
acceleration_travel_layer_0* 200 200 1000
jerk_print^ 5.0 5.0 8.0
jerk_travel^ 5.0 5.0 8.0
jerk_travel_layer_0^ 5.0 5.0 8.0

* = when the acceleration setting is enabled ^ = when the jerk setting is enabled

I've also given you credit in the README for this plugin. Please let me know if you want anything changed

I'll test a bit more over the next few days and then submit the updated plugin to Ultimaker for review

Thanks again for your help! Cheers Tim

eduncan911 commented 3 years ago

Nice! Yeah, the tests I ran were on some Print-in-Place alien-looking pliers my son wanted - and failed each time. Nothing was free to rotate. I decided to run an E-steps test, as I have never done it before, and realized it was greatly over-extruding! So I've been dealing with that the last few days, to dial that in. (default E steps is 88.9 btw)

Thank you for testing them!

IMO, I think we should enable the settings by default. Otherwise people may not know they are there? Also, people would immediately see and hear the difference when using this plugin!

I've also given you credit in the README for this plugin.


timmehtimmeh commented 3 years ago

@eduncan911 - FWIW I also ran this part on the 3D45 using both the 0.7.0 plugin and the updated settings that I'll include in 0.7.1. I forgot to turn off infill & top & bottom layers so I ended up with a solid part, but both plugins seem to produce visually identical parts on the 3D45. (the ringing looks about the same & I don't see any layer shifts/skips.)

I'm re-running the part on the 3D45 using the recommended settings for both version 0.7.0 and 0.7.1 of the plugin to see if it makes any difference (i doubt it will, but just to be safe) The reported print time between the two settings is 28minutes for the 0.7.0 plugin and 30 minutes for the 0.7.1 settings (~7 percent greater).

Below are the settings that I'm running the new test at:

If the test goes well with the new settings then I'll give the two settings a try on the 3D20 with the accel_enabled and jerk_enabled settings set to true. Assuming all of that goes well then I'll finalize the plugin & submit v0.7.1 to for Ultimaker for review.

IMO, I think we should enable the settings by default. Otherwise people may not know they are there? Also, people would immediately see and hear the difference when using this plugin!

Ah - I think that I had misread your prior comment (below) and interpreted it to mean that you were recommending to turn off the setting.

the 3D20 is pretty loud on it's jerk settings, so I was going to set it to 5.0 from the Marlin firmware to see how it sounds on this next print in the next hour.

I'll test with the settings enabled and assuming that it works as well/better then we'll leave them enabled.

eduncan911 commented 3 years ago

Ah - I think that I had misread your prior comment (below) and interpreted it to mean that you were recommending to turn off the setting.

Didn't misread at all! Earlier I was recommending to set them to false, until we did more testing. Well, you're doing that testing!! hehe. I didn't want to be the only one saying, "Hey, this worked for me" without far more testing. So, let's enable them since they are working on a 2nd 3D45 and 3D20. :)

eduncan911 commented 3 years ago

For the record, I'm about to start hacking on our 3D20 in a week or two to install Klipper firmware on it, now that I have the pinouts from the Marlin repo. That was a game changer!

timmehtimmeh commented 3 years ago

I didn't want to be the only one saying, "Hey, this worked for me" without far more testing.

Fortunately it's easy to update software - if the settings end up not working, turning around a new plugin is relatively quick.

let's enable them since they are working on a 2nd 3D45 and 3D20. :)

I'll make the changes once I finish testing the 3D20 tomorrow. I'll probably leave the 3D40 accel and jerk disabled, as I don't have access to one, which makes tuning settings a guessing game at best.

timmehtimmeh commented 3 years ago

Release 0.7.1 with the requested changes is now available on the Cura Marketplace or in the Releases page of this repo.


Cheers Tim