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The Zariski Topology is compact #4070

Closed tirix closed 3 months ago

tirix commented 3 months ago

This adds proofs in 4 independent, but related directions:

I'm also adding some references to Grothendieck's Éléments de Géométrie Algébrique where relevant. The next step would be to prove that the induced map on prime spectra is continuous.

avekens commented 3 months ago

PS: ZRing is already existing, maybe 0Ring then...

tirix commented 3 months ago

Would it be useful to have a definition for zero/trivial rings (maybe 0Ring = { r e. Ring | ( # ` ( Base ` r ) ) = 1 })?

That would be a useful discussion to launch!

For zero rings, I've followed theorems in the main part: ~0ring, ~0ring01eq, ~0ringnnzr, which are all in the form ( ( R e. Ring /\ ( # ` B ) = 1 ) -> ...

If I were to choose a "class of zero rings", I'd say ( Ring \ NzRing ) is the best, because it is concise and does not need introducing a new definition. You actually have a few theorems with this form in your mathbox (~0ringdif and following)