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The type ℕ∞ has decidable equality iff WLPO holds #4151

Open jkingdon opened 3 weeks ago

jkingdon commented 3 weeks ago

This is mentioned as background knowledge at but I don't see it proved in, or an issue for it.

In notation this would be

A. x e. NN+oo A. y e. NN+oo DECID x = y <-> _om e. WOmni
benjub commented 3 weeks ago

/!\ Spoiler alert below the dots /!\




Forward implication: Given a proposition $f \colon \omega \to 2$, define $g \in \mathbb{N}_\infty$ by $g(n) \coloneqq \min ( f(i) \mid i \leq n)$. Then, $g$ is the point at infinity iff $\forall n \in \omega f(n)=1$.

Backward implication: Decidability of equality with the point at infinity follows from the fact that $\mathbb{N}_\infty \subseteq \Omega$, and decidability of equality in $\mathbb{N}$ has been proved.