metanorma / asciidoctor-rfc

AsciiRFC: an AsciiDoc/asciidoctor backend to produce RFC XML v3 (RFC 7991) and v2 (RFC 7749)
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Table formatting #63

Closed opoudjis closed 6 years ago

opoudjis commented 6 years ago

Child of #59

Asciidoctor supports the following:

  • frame could be all, topbot, sides or none. topbot and sides are not creating the intended effect and is just same as all.
  • grid could be all, rows, cols or none. However it's not really having an effect.

I had only implemented grid. Will need to check.

I found that this configuration works:

[cols="2*^", frame="sides", grid="cols"]
|ttcol #1 |ttcol #2

|c #1 |c #2
|c #3 |c #4
|c #5 |c #6
opoudjis commented 6 years ago

Asciidoctor differentiates between frame attributes, for borders between cells, and grid attributes, for borders around tables.

RFC XML v3 ignores border style completely.

RFC XML v2 only has a single style attribute, that does the following:

2.39.3.  "style" Attribute

   Selects which borders should be drawn, where

   o  "all" means borders around all table cells,

   o  "full" is like "all", except no horizontal lines between table
      rows (except below the column titles),

   o  "headers" adds just a separator between column titles and
      rows, and

   o  "none" means no borders at all.

The Asciidoc frame attribute references external borders; the RFCXML v2 style attribute only references internal borders. So the Asciidoc frame attribute is irrelevant to RFCXML.

The grid attribute is mapped as follows:

The style=header value is noted as not supported.

[cols="2*^", frame="sides", grid="cols"] and [cols="2*^",grid="cols"] have identical output.

... What should I be doing diffferently?

ronaldtse commented 6 years ago

An asciidoctor table can be made to show a "header" using the header option:

[cols=2*, options="header"]

Could this be the way we also cover style=header in v2? This seems to be the issue with the "davies" diff right now.

I realized that the real problem is that many tables are actually rendered by the author as manual ASCII-art through artwork, instead of using XML RFC's table feature. I was hoping that we could support "AsciiDoc table to artwork", but that might be too much work for us...

opoudjis commented 6 years ago

I think this has been dealt with to the extent it is realistic to...

ronaldtse commented 6 years ago

Agree. Thanks!