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Modelling resolutions
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Verify resolution model with ILO resolutions #4

Open ronaldtse opened 4 years ago

ronaldtse commented 4 years ago


V Resolution on the facilitation of access to shore leave and transit of seafarers 1 The General Conference of the International Labour Organization, meeting at its 105th Session, 2016, Having adopted the amendments to Annexes I, II and III of Seafarers’ Identity Documents Convention (Revised), 2003 (No. 185), Recalling that the 91st and 94th (Maritime) Sessions of the International Labour Conference adopted resolutions concerning decent work for seafarers, which noted, inter alia, that access to shore facilities, shore leave and facilitation of transit are vital elements of seafarers’ general well-being and, therefore, to the realization of decent work for seafarers, Recalling also that the core mandate of the Organization is to promote decent working and living conditions, Appreciates the efforts of a number of countries to facilitate access to shore leave and the transit of seafarers across their sovereign borders, Acknowledges that countries seek to secure their air, land, and sea borders, Expresses concern at the difficulties that seafarers continue to experience in being able to enjoy shore leave and to transit to and from ships, Calls for the harmonization of formalities and other procedures facilitating access to shore leave and welfare facilities in ports and the transit of seafarers to and from ships, Calls upon countries to implement measures to facilitate the transit of seafarers to and from their ships and shore leave, Further calls upon the Governing Body of the International Labour Office to request the Director-General to remain seized of this issue, including through engagement with other United Nations specialized agencies.

ronaldtse commented 4 years ago

VI Resolution concerning the financial report and audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2015 1 The General Conference of the International Labour Organization, Decides, in accordance with article 29 of the Financial Regulations, to adopt the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2015 and the External Auditor’s report thereon.