Open opoudjis opened 1 year ago
In XSL-FO there isn't property for wave underline/border, and in Apache FOP respectively. It's available in AntennaHouse XSL-FO processor only via extension So let's postpone it.
If we ever do encode a Traditional Chinese document...
Follow-on from
This is not at all urgent: it is a feature introduced for completeness, and I don't anticipate we will encode Taiwanese bibliographies in a hurry.
But there is a requirement for Traditional Chinese titles in bibliographies to be presented with a wavy underline. To realise this, I have introduced a CSS style attribute to
, with the expectation that the keyword values of text-decoration-style, if present in the style attribute, will be respected: solid, double, dotted, dashed, wavy. So the Taiwanese underlines will be marked up (if they ever occur) as<underline style="wavy">
If this is at all difficult to do in XSL:FO, feel free to ignore.