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Metanorma for BIPM documents
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Implement BIPM reference style for bibliographic items #55

Closed ronaldtse closed 1 year ago

ronaldtse commented 3 years ago

BIPM documents currently refer documents this way.

[<<Mohr2012,Mohr _et al._ 2012>>\]
* [[[Mohr2012,1]]] Mohr P J, Taylor B N and Newell D B (2012) _Rev. Mod. Phys_. *84* 1527-1605
[<<Quinn1990,Quinn 1990>>].
* [[[Quinn1990,1]]] Quinn T J (1990) _Temperature_, 2nd edition (London: Academic Press) p. 495

To BIPM documents:

* [[[westwood,4]]],[Westwood, S. _Purity Evaluation Guideline: Zearalenone. BIPM-PEG-01. Rapport BIPM-2019/06._ Sèvres (France) : Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, 2019.]
* [[[muller,1]]], J.W. Müller: "Sums of alternate powers - an empirical approach", Rapport BIPM-94/14 (1994)

We should implement a single style for all bibliographic items in BIPM documents.

opoudjis commented 2 years ago

We can do this now we have Relaton-Render

opoudjis commented 1 year ago


We should implement a single style for all bibliographic items in BIPM documents.

Quite. I'm not implementing the second two reference instances, they completely contradict the first two. I've implemented the first two, and will submit them to your approval. But the second two are at odds with the first two, and it would be folly to implement them.

opoudjis commented 1 year ago

If we receive initials from relaton formatted "J. K.", and the stylesheet requires initials to be formatted "JK", we need to take the preformatted initials apart and split them, as we already do for forenames. That way, we can re-render initials as needed.

opoudjis commented 1 year ago

Current renderings:

Book: <formattedref>Aluffi P, Anderson D, Hering M, Mustaţă M and Payne S (Eds.) (2022) <em>Facets of Algebraic Geometry: A Collection in Honor of William Fulton's 80th Birthday</em>, First edition. (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press) (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 472) DOI: ISBN: 9781108877831. 1 vol.</formattedref>

Book: <formattedref>Ramsey J K and McGrew W C (2005) Object play in great apes: Studies in nature and captivity. In: Pellegrini A D and Smith P K (Eds.) <em>The nature of play: Great apes and humans</em> [electronic resource, 8vo] (New York, NY: Guilford Press). pp. 89–112. [viewed: September 3, 2019].</formattedref>

Journal: <formattedref><em>Nature</em>. (2005&#x2013;2009).</formattedref>

Article: <formattedref>Aluffi P, Anderson D, Hering M, Mustaţă M and Payne S (Eds.) (2022) <em>London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series</em> (N.S.). <strong>1</strong> (7) 89–112. DOI: ISBN: 9781108877831.</formattedref>

Software: <formattedref>Ribose Inc. (September 4, 2019) <em>metanorma-standoc</em>. Version 1.3.1. <link target=''></link>.</formattedref>

Standard: <formattedref>Internet Engineering Task Force (2005) <em>Intellectual Property Rights in IETF technology</em>. [Online]. RFC 3979. <link target=''></link>. [viewed: June 18, 2012].</formattedref>

Dataset: <formattedref>Portes A and Rumbaut R G (January 23, 2012) <em>Children of Immigrants. Longitudinal Sudy (CILS) 1991–2006 ICPSR20520</em>. Version 2 [dataset]. <link target=''></link>. 501 GB. [viewed: May 6, 2018].</formattedref>

Website: <formattedref>Liberman M and Pullum G (2003–) <em>Language Log</em>. (n.p.: University of Pennsylvania). <link target=''></link>. [viewed: September 3, 2019].</formattedref>

Unpublished: <formattedref>Jenkins S and Ruostekoski J (2012) <em>Controlled manipulation of light by cooperativeresponse of atoms in an optical lattice</em> [preprint]. [viewed: June 24, 2020].</formattedref>

Untyped: <formattedref>Jenkins S and Ruostekoski J (2012) <em>Controlled manipulation of light by cooperativeresponse of atoms in an optical lattice</em> [preprint]. [viewed: June 24, 2020].</formattedref>

opoudjis commented 1 year ago

This sounds like another ticket that requires approval from BIPM. Is it, or can we proceed with the foregoing?

opoudjis commented 1 year ago

We're proceeding. I suspect that BIPM will not be happy with the very sparse bibliographic style of the brochure being generalised, but we have to start somewhere, and we have to at least try and impose uniformity.

opoudjis commented 1 year ago

CCL-GD-MeP-1 displays article titles, in quotes:

We have implemented:

{{ creatornames }} ({{role | capitalize}}) ({{date}} ({{ labels['updated'] }}_{{date_updated}}) {% if date %}){% endif %} {{ series }}.

It has done:

{{ creatornames }} ({{role | capitalize}}), “{{title}}”, {{ series }} {{extent}}


extenttemplate: date: "{{ volume_raw }} ({{issue_raw}}) ({{date}}) {{ page_raw }}"

We are not currently deviating from the unitary style from all BIPM documents given above, and will not encourage such deviation. I would not rule out though that we end up with a couple of variant styles.

opoudjis commented 1 year ago

For the CCL-GD-MeP-1 extent style, which interpolates date between volume and page for articles (something that does happen in references):

Taniguchi N, “Current status in, and Future Trends of, Ultraprecision Machining and Ultrafine Materials Processing”, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 32 (2) (1983) 573–582. DOI: 10.1016/S0007-8506(07)60185-1

We need to allow extent templates to process all fields, not just volume, issue, page.

opoudjis commented 1 year ago

I'm not submitting this to BIPM approval, since we have had zero communication on reference styling from BIPM, unless @ronaldtse there is something you have not passed on. I am satisfied that this is rendering references according to one style, and that that is the style that works for the brochure.

I won't keep this open as a zombie ticket. If BIPM want different types of document to render citations differently, they will need to say so explicitly: until then, we will treat the other documents' practices as inconsistencies and errors, such as we have repeatedly encountered in working with them.

opoudjis commented 1 year ago

@ronaldtse Final signoff please. I draw to your particular attention that article citations exclude the article title in the formatting you'd requested.

opoudjis commented 1 year ago

Introduce notion of home standard, but DO NOT apply it to BIPM publications: ISO and IEC include the year in their document identifier if dated at all, BIPM do not.