metanorma / metanorma-gb

Metanorma processor for GB: write Chinese Standards using GbDoc
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Layout formatting fixes: font types and sizes #56

Closed ronaldtse closed 6 years ago

ronaldtse commented 6 years ago

Here's the relevant content from GB/T 1.1 Appendix J. gbt 1.1 appendix j.xlsx

ronaldtse commented 6 years ago
序号 / Number Page type Position Text content Font Font Size (pt)
1 Cover Top left rows 1, 2 ICS number, Chinese standard literature Sans serif 10.5
2   Top left 3rd row Case number Sans serif 10.5
3   Top right 1st row Standard mark logo Custom Font
4   Top right 2nd row Standard document identifier Sans serif 14
5   Top right 3rd row Replaces standard number(s) Serif 10.5
6   Row 1 National standards of People's Republic of China Custom Font
7   Row 1 People's Republic of China XX industry standard Custom Font
8   Row 2 Standard name Sans serif 72
9   Row 3 English translation of standard name Sans serif 14
10   Row 4 Conformity with international standards Serif 14
11   2nd to last row Issuance date, implementation date Sans serif 14
12   Last row Standard Issuance Department Custom Font
13   Bottom right Issuance Sans serif 14
14 Index First row Index Sans serif 16
15     Index content b Serif 10.5
16 Foreword First row Foreword Sans serif 16
17     Foreword content Serif 10.5
18 Introduction First row Introduction Sans serif 16
19     Introduction content Serif 10.5
20 Content - First page First row Standard name Sans serif 16
21 All pages   Section, clause number and title Sans serif 10.5
22     Standard clauses, list items and their numbers Serif 10.5
23     "Notes" and "Notes X" indicating the note Sans serif 9
24     "Example", "Example X" indicating examples Sans serif 9
25     Clause examples Serif 9
26     Note, figure note, table note Serif 9
27     Footnotes, footnote numbers, footnotes for figures, footnotes for tables Serif 9
28     Figure number, figure title; table number, table title Sans serif 10.5
29     Continued Chart, Continued ("Continued") Serif 10.5
30     Diagram of the unit at the top right of the table Serif 9
31     Figures and text in the figure Serif 8
32     Numbers and texts in the table Serif 9
33 Annex First row Appendix number Sans serif 10.5
34   Second row "(Normative)", "(Informative)" Sans serif 10.5
35   Third row Appendix title Sans serif 10.5
36     Appendix content Serif 10.5
37 Bibliography First row References Sans serif 10.5
38     References content Serif 10.5
39 Glossary First row Glossary Sans serif 10.5
40     Glossary content Serif 10.5
41 Bottom cover Top right corner Standard document identifier Sans serif 14
42 Odd, event pages Header left and right sides Standard document identifier Sans serif 10.5
43   Footer right, left corner Page number Serif 9
opoudjis commented 6 years ago

... No mm measurements in here...

Glossaries are new too. Should they be treated separately to (symbols and) Definitions, which are currently after Terms?

opoudjis commented 6 years ago

Are English-language standards in SimHei/SimSun too?

ronaldtse commented 6 years ago

The glossary is an optional section which I haven't seen any GB standard with except in GB/T 1.1.

The glossary indeed is a separate section, placed at the very end.

ronaldtse commented 6 years ago

Updated table to replace references to "SimHei" and "SimSun" to "Sans serif" and "Serif" respectively.

opoudjis commented 6 years ago

Case number not currently populated. If it ever is, it will be ics_container, like the CSS and ICS values.

opoudjis commented 6 years ago

Have introduced note_label, example_label span styles to isodoc. Have removed boldface as mandatory tagging of table and figure title.

opoudjis commented 6 years ago

72 pt for the Standard name is unrealistic, and I have never seen a GB spec with it. The size I have seen is 26pt, and that's what I'm using.