metanorma / metanorma-ieee

Metanorma for IEEE SA
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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generate through github action fails on ieee document #297

Closed ReesePlews closed 1 year ago

ReesePlews commented 1 year ago

this issue is newly added based on a suggestion from @CAMOBAP (here: )

when i run the generate, no document word, html or pdf files are created; only the following files are generated (p2874.rxl, p2874.xml, p2874.err). i ran the generate comment before submitting this issue.

the .err file contains large blocks of what appear to be text encoded image data. i have removed parts of the "center sections" of those encoded blocks. there appear to be error messages at the start of them.

for now, you can access the generate file and download from here:

the complete files are pasted in below... any assistance that you and @ronaldtse can give to get the generate command working would be greatly appreciated. let me know if you need anything else. thank you

.err file (2023-08-22 UTC 00:35 generate) modified to remove sections of encoded image data

/__w/SWF-Corpus_and_IEEEP2874-D2/SWF-Corpus_and_IEEEP2874-D2/_site/documents/ieee-p2874/p2874.err errors

== AsciiDoc Input

(ID _bibliography): Section not marked up as [bibliography]!
    #<Asciidoctor::Section@1180380 {level: 1, title: "A. Bibliography", blocks: 1}>

== Bibliography

(): ERROR: No title retrieved for ISO/IEC 27001

== Anchors

(XML Line 000232): Crossreference target section-distributed-computing is undefined
    <xref target="section-distributed-computing">Distributed computing</xref>

== Style

(): Word Usage subclause missing
(): Document must include (references) Normative References
(): geographic-space:Geographic space: subclause is only child
(): _further_details_on_geospatial_crss:Further details on geospatial CRSs: subclause is only child
(): _area_and_volume:Area and volume: subclause is only child
(): requirements-swids:Requirements on SWID Methods: subclause is only child
(): _spatial_server_ecosystem:Spatial server ecosystem: subclause is only child
(): _spatial_web_client_2:Spatial Web client: subclause is only child
(XML Line 000001): Normative reference w3c_did is not dated.
    <bibitem id="w3c_did" type="standard" schema-version="v1.2.3">  <fetched>2023-08-22</fetched>  
    <title format="text/plain">Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0</title>
      <uri type="src"></uri>  <docidentifier type="W3C" primary="true">W3C did-core</docidentifier>  <docnumber>did-core</docnumber>  <language>en</language>  <script>Latn</script>  <status>    <stage>recommendation</stage>  </status>  <relation type="instance">    <bibitem>      <formattedref format="text/plain">W3C REC-did-core-20220719</formattedref>      <docidentifier type="W3C" primary="true">W3C REC-did-core-20220719</docidentifier>    </bibitem>
      </relation>  <relation type="hasEdition">    <bibitem>      <formattedref format="text/plain">W3C PR-did-core-20210803</formattedref>      <docidentifier type="W3C" primary="true">W3C PR-did-core-20210803</docidentifier>    </bibitem>
      </relation>  <relation type="hasEdition">    <bibitem>      <formattedref format="text/plain">W3C WD-did-core-20191209</formattedref>      <docidentifier type="W3C" primary="true">W3C WD-did-core-20191209</docidentifier>    </bibitem>
(XML Line 000001): Normative reference w3c_json_ld is not dated.
    <bibitem id="w3c_json_ld" type="standard" schema-version="v1.2.3">  <fetched>2023-08-22</fetched>  
    <title format="text/plain">JSON-LD 1.1</title>
      <uri type="src"></uri>  <docidentifier type="W3C" primary="true">W3C json-ld11</docidentifier>  <docnumber>json-ld11</docnumber>  <language>en</language>  <script>Latn</script>  <status>    <stage>recommendation</stage>  </status>  <relation type="instance">    <bibitem>      <formattedref format="text/plain">W3C REC-json-ld11-20200716</formattedref>      <docidentifier type="W3C" primary="true">W3C REC-json-ld11-20200716</docidentifier>    </bibitem>
      </relation>  <relation type="hasEdition">    <bibitem>      <formattedref format="text/plain">W3C WD-json-ld11-20181214</formattedref>      <docidentifier type="W3C" primary="true">W3C WD-json-ld11-20181214</docidentifier>    </bibitem>
      </relation>  <relation type="hasEdition">    <bibitem>      <formattedref format="text/plain">W3C CR-json-ld11-20191212</formattedref>      <docidentifier type="W3C" primary="true">W3C CR-json-ld11-20191212</docidentifier>    </bibitem>
(XML Line 000004): Expected title to start as: Draft Standard 
    <title language="en" format="text/plain">Spatial Web Protocol, Architecture and Governance</title>
(XML Line 000004): Title contains uncapitalised word other than preposition
    <title language="en" format="text/plain">Spatial Web Protocol, Architecture and Governance</title>
(XML Line 000025): Hanging paragraph in clause
    <clause id="boilerplate-disclaimers" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <title>Important Notices and Disclaimers Concerning IEEE Standards Documents</title>
    <p id="_DV_M4">IEEE Standards
    documents are made available for use subject to important notices and legal
    disclaimers. These notices and disclaimers, or a reference to this page (<link target=""/>),
(XML Line 001303): Hanging paragraph in clause
    <clause id="_stakeholder_perspective_2" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <title>Stakeholder perspective</title>
    <p id="_e65e2135-126f-6b61-6c60-cc88d40133e3">This perspective considers stakeholders who are developing systems which concern the coupling of physical things with the Spatial Web. This perspective includes several organizations with interests in virtual representation of physical entities.</p>

    <clause id="_ieee_iot_and_sensor_standards" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
(XML Line 001372): Hanging paragraph in clause
    <clause id="_stakeholder_perspective_3" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <title>Stakeholder Perspective</title>
    <p id="_90e7f4d3-87ef-84b9-ac46-d6ec07a264cb">The stakeholders in this perspective develop content, interactivity and other elements for producing immersive shared user experiences with the Spatial Web.</p>

    <clause id="_ieee_activities_on_metaverse" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
(XML Line 001438): Hanging paragraph in clause
    <clause id="_stakeholder_perspective_4" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <title>Stakeholder Perspective</title>
    <p id="_978bddb8-4e9e-8eef-c323-cdd19d15a9b3">This perspective identifies stakeholder communities that are concerned with advanced cognitive computing in the Spatial Web. The Spatial Web builds on proven Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods.</p>

    <clause id="_semantic_web_ontologies_linked_data_knowledge_graphs" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
(XML Line 001518): Hanging paragraph in clause
    <clause id="_stakeholder_perspective_5" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <title>Stakeholder perspective</title>
    <p id="_09941fb5-85ec-14cc-d24f-1785a959b743">This perspective identifies stakeholder communities who are addressing issues relevant to the Spatial Web concerning the extension of geography to hyperspace with particular emphasis on sustainability.</p>

    <clause id="_geographic_information_2" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
(XML Line 002344): possible decimal comma: 10,000
    <p id="_bdf1d7cd-e619-38ab-5789-8014926402c4">During the game, the Friend is in need of a better weapon so the Fan offers to sell theirs for 10,000 credits</p>
(XML Line 002440): possible decimal comma: 1,0
    <p id="_d3f9a1da-48c0-a74e-82ae-04528d7f01bd">A <em>vector space</em> V <em>over</em> k of dimension n is then a set V<sub>0</sub> isomorphic to n copies of k, and the elements of V<sub>0</sub> are called k-<em>vectors</em>.
    V can be canonically equipped with a basis (1,0,0,…​), (0,1,…​), (0,0,1,…​), written as lists of length n all-but-one of whose elements are 0 (the additive unit), with the remaining element is 1 (the multiplicative unit).
    Every vector x can then be written as a k-linear combination of these basis elements using the field operations, as in the Euclidean case above: x = ∑<sub>i=1</sub><sup>n</sup> x<sub>i</sub>·e<sub>i</sub>.
    Considered as a hyperspace, the points of V are the vectors V<sub>0</sub> and the paths are pairs of a real number m and a continuous function from the interval [0,m] to V (that is, continuously-indexed lists of vectors in V), and paths compose by concatenation.
    (This definition of path requires the field k itself to be a topological space, so that continuous functions are well defined; it is possible, though outside the scope of this section, to relax this requirement.)</p>
(XML Line 002480): Hanging paragraph in clause
    <clause id="_spaces_of_spaces" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <title>Spaces of spaces</title>
    <p id="_d79ff660-9ee9-ef42-7c2a-4d32ddad93a8">Each type of spaces described above defines a corresponding <em>space of spaces</em>:
    the points of each space of spaces are the spaces of the corresponding type themselves, and the paths between spaces are <em>transformations</em> or <em>morphisms</em> of spaces.
    Transformations between spaces are important in many applications: for instance, whenever one moves from a 3-dimensional view of a space to a 2-dimensional map of it, one is making use of a projection morphism.
(XML Line 002518): Hanging paragraph in clause
    <clause id="cellular-spaces" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <title>Cellular spaces</title>
    <p id="_716fc49a-b01c-4fbf-081f-6b5f8c3932a8">Spaces often do not come in isolation, but are often connected together.
    This arises not only in mapping geographic spaces (for instance, one might have maps tiled over a globe, or rooms connected together in a building) but also in physical modeling or computer-aided design (where spaces may be ‘triangulated’ or otherwise partitioned into finite elements).
    In each of these cases, one has a collection of cell types which are interconnected according to a well defined pattern or <em>schema</em>, and one associates to each cell type a collection of spaces of that type, which are then glued together according to the given schema.
(XML Line 002548): Hanging paragraph in clause
    <clause id="geographic-space" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <title>Geographic space</title>
    <p id="_56743c00-fcc3-6d9a-1946-97c0ec83e053">The space inhabited by the Earth is not a simple vector space, as it has both nontrivial topology and geometry.
    However, geographic space <em>can</em> be understood ‘locally’ using vector spaces.
    That is to say, it is a vector space “in the neighborhood” of each point, which is why it is possible to construct an atlas.
(XML Line 002579): Exceeds the maximum clause depth of 5
    <clause id="_further_details_on_geospatial_crss" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <title>Further details on geospatial CRSs</title>
    <p id="_e1ead03b-2dbe-d466-2ca3-e32a96613138">Each CRS consists of a coordinate system (CS) for each cell of the cellular space; in typical geospatial applications, these CSs are each related to an object (e.g., Earth, building corner) by a datum.
    As an example, the CRS known as Earth Center Earth Fixed (ECEF) is a Cartesian CS with origin at the Earth’s center of mass and aligned with axis of rotation.</p>

(XML Line 002642): Hanging paragraph in clause
    <clause id="additional-structures" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <title>Additional structures on hyperspaces</title>
    <p id="_346ff9d4-29f7-e7f3-d6a2-db6a53dcfe29">Many common hyperspaces have richer structure than mere points and paths.
    For instance, there may be canonical ways to describe the number of degrees of freedom in a space (dimension), to measure the lengths of paths (metric), or to compare points for similarity.
    The purpose of this section is to define some additional structures, as well as to describe common operations on spaces that enable the construction of new spaces from old ones; such operations on spaces correspond to additional structure on the corresponding hyperspaces-of-spaces.</p>
(XML Line 002669): Hanging paragraph in clause
    <clause id="_metric" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <p id="_b50c2d44-1e41-0bda-2cae-96798b0c2184">A metric is a measure of the distance between the points of a space, or alternatively a measure of the lengths of paths in the space, defined in such a way that it behaves according to common intuitions about distances.
    More precisely, a metric on a space X is a non-negative function d:X×X→ℝ<sub>≥0</sub> such that the distance from a point to itself is 0 (d(x,x)=0) and such that taking a detour from the shortest path cannot decrease its distance (d(x,y) + d(y,z) ≥ d(x,z)).
    Euclidean vector spaces can be equipped with many different metrics: the canonical choice is the Euclidean distance, which is defined as the length of the vector between any pair of points; more generally, every inner product (see below) induces a metric.
(XML Line 002832): Hanging paragraph in clause
    <clause id="_spatial_web_domain_relations" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <title>Spatial Web domain relations</title>
    <p id="_fac76dd2-2029-9fda-7d9f-8f2707f717fa">A Spatial Web Domain is a subset of the UDG.</p>

    <p id="_40fac791-5619-7135-040b-a343298ecb6e">The UDG is a publicly accessible knowledge graph that groups domains and is structured to allow for both hierarchical and heterarchical searches and transformations within and across domains.</p>
(XML Line 002916): Hanging paragraph in clause
    <clause id="_spatial_web_identifiers_identity" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <title>Spatial Web Identifiers (Identity)</title>
    <p id="_974bce71-8aed-e0a5-267d-3e8a8901f2df">Spatial Web Identifiers (SWIDs) serve as Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) in the Spatial Web. The benefits of DIDs are discussed in relevant specifications (for example <eref type="inline" bibitemid="w3c_did" citeas="W3C did-core"/> and <eref type="inline" bibitemid="didcomm" citeas="[B11]"/>), and include providing or enabling:</p>

    <ul id="_135ab8cb-5f91-fa71-eaa2-da66a24d6681"><li><p id="_4debf00b-73e0-2fb9-042d-91c818568c3e">Provider-Independent Identifiers (i.e. addresses or IDs are decoupled from a specific provider)</p>
(XML Line 002981): Hanging paragraph in clause
    <clause id="_trust_2" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <p id="_d2401804-a71e-31f6-8861-6ea20842c78e">Trust is assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something, and is required to enable anonymized data to be shared among Spatial Web nodes privately and securely.  <eref type="inline" bibitemid="toip_foundation" citeas="[B97]">The Trust Over IP Foundation</eref> identifies four aspects of trust between parties intermediated by digital technology (<eref type="inline" bibitemid="toip_spec" citeas="[B96]">Introduction to Trust Over IP</eref>):</p>

    <quote id="_6057b1ab-b5c9-96a2-132f-eb4be755dfb7"><ul id="_b28601ed-43e7-a115-07de-ee96c03200f1"><li><p id="_1ddf598f-31a3-ef48-1d21-e132f9a1def1">Authenticity: does each party possess the identity and/or identity attributes that the other party or parties ascribes to it?</p>
(XML Line 003226): figure heading should be capitalised: c
    <name>credential entity relationship diagram.</name>
(XML Line 003272): Hanging paragraph in clause
    <clause id="section-queries" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <p id="_c1d1ef18-9dba-a8cf-a5ac-10ed06bbd110">Queries on the Spatial Web executed via HSML can return information about any hyperspatial dimension of a domain graph.</p>

    <p id="_a7bbebfa-0e2e-d7a6-2ca2-e88baf2de86f">A query using HSML would have the following general form:  User with [Credentials] requests an [Activity] proposing changes to specified [Domains]/[Spaces] through a [Channel].</p>
(XML Line 003442): Hanging paragraph in clause
    <clause id="distributed_computing_continuum" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <title>Distributed computing continuum</title>
    <p id="_800aca92-4a85-1acd-0460-25363a2ded01">The Spatial Web is a distributed computing system with nodes connected by communications networks. Distributed computing is a model of computing in which a set of nodes coordinates its activities by means of digital messages passed between the nodes (Definition from <eref type="inline" bibitemid="ISO_IEC_23188_2020" citeas="ISO/IEC TR 23188:2020"/>). The Spatial Web distributed computing model is organized as a set of tiers with each tier containing a set of nodes. Nodes within a tier are similar and may be close to each other in a network sense of close, e.g. enterprise nodes.</p>

    <figure id="computing_continuum">
(XML Line 003662): Use ordered lists for lists more than two levels deep.
    <ul id="_6940390e-ac3a-491e-7442-9e8d6ec4e375"><li><p id="_aa843e74-7015-764e-eb3a-f57e27a8a79c">Spatial Web client nodes</p>
    <ul id="_362b7b83-2aff-e857-c335-3b9d80d34073"><li><p id="_cedf9336-2542-d73f-84bf-54711110d43a">Spatial Web browser</p>
    <li><p id="_f6b9394d-402f-889a-8261-18fac0852943">Spatial Web application client</p>
(XML Line 003716): Hanging paragraph in clause
    <clause id="_discussion" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <p id="_0ffbbeff-f659-9a90-da1a-512aac2cef7c">Spatial Web Nodes which conform to the HSML and HSTP requirements become computing nodes. Spatial Web Nodes shall be either clients or servers or both, depending on the implementation. In HSML, there is no need to separate data for storage and data for runtime and retrieval.</p>

    <clause id="_spatial_server_ecosystem" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
(XML Line 003768): Hanging paragraph in clause
    <clause id="_requirements_for_spatial_web_servers" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <title>Requirements for Spatial Web servers</title>
    <p id="_695eef79-605c-a415-1c43-8c815c9ba4c6">Spatial Web servers shall respond to queries with entities based on identifiers while locating and prioritizing entities that fit within a specific spatial query, that prioritization is based upon the frustum of the volumetric range query as expressed in an HSTP statement.  A Spatial Index Server shall make maps ranging from simple SQL indexes to graph-based databases to widely adopted and standard spatial indexing services which deliver spatial indexing.</p>

    <clause id="_spatial_web_client_2" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
(XML Line 003853): Hanging paragraph in clause
    <clause id="section-hstp-conceptual-model" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
    <title>HSTP conceptual model</title>
    <p id="_5a28bf61-8aaa-2f55-6467-b2059c7d8924">HSTP is a generic and generalizable protocol designed to enable the standardized communication between systems that is required to build a coherent, decentralized, secure, and privacy-respecting Spatial Web.</p>

    <p id="_d584aacd-c94f-3e65-f393-254acf16eba1">The prior description here for HSTP crosses into areas that are not defined in the protocol but represent desired functionality from HSTP/HSML compliant systems or from transport protocols such as TCP. That HSTP enables such things is clear, but there is no mechanism for doing them within HSTP. Similarly to HTTP, A web document can be requested using HTTP, but HTTP does not create the web document or interpret it once it’s received. It’s a protocol rather than an execution layer.</p>

== Images

(XML Line 002972): Corrupt PNG image detected: [memory buffer]  CRC error in chunk iCCP (computed 94e8b3ed, expected adefb355)
    <figure id="figure-10-A">
    <name>Claims Schema</name>
    <image src="

    <<< rplews: image data cut >>>

(XML Line 003778): Corrupt PNG image detected: [memory buffer]  CRC error in chunk iCCP (computed 94e8b3ed, expected adefb355)
    <figure id="figure-14">
    <name>HSTP Client Integration</name>
    <image src="

    <<< rplews: image data cut >>>


== Metanorma XML Syntax

(XML Line 000029:529): character content of element "subdoctype" invalid; must be equal to "amendment", "corrigendum" or "erratum"
(XML Line 000029:598): element "balloting-group" missing required attribute "type"
(XML Line 000029:768): element "structuredidentifier" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag or element "holdstatus", "ics", "pubstatus", "standard_modified" or "standard_status"
(XML Line 000449:40): element "admonition" missing required attributes "id" and "type"
(XML Line 000450:1): text not allowed here; expected the element end-tag or element "name", "note" or "p"
(XML Line 000662:187): element "refterm" not allowed here; expected element "preferred"
(XML Line 000662:254): element "xref" not allowed yet; missing required element "preferred"
(XML Line 000717:46): element "refterm" not allowed here; expected element "preferred"
(XML Line 000717:99): element "xref" not allowed yet; missing required element "preferred"
(XML Line 000840:113): element "xref" not allowed yet; missing required element "preferred"
(XML Line 000840:46): element "refterm" not allowed here; expected element "preferred"
(XML Line 003068:98): element "ul" not allowed here; expected element "author", "p" or "source"
(XML Line 003077:9): element "quote" incomplete; missing required element "p"
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(XML Line 004169:98): value of attribute "obligation" is invalid; must be equal to "informative" or "normative"
(XML Line 004234:24): character content of element "on" invalid; must be a string matching the regular expression "([\+\-]?\d{4})((-?)((0[1-9]|1[0-2])((-?)([12]\d|0[1-9]|3[01]))?|W([0-4]\d|5[0-2])(-?[1-7])?|(00[1-9]|0[1-9]\d|[12]\d{2}|3([0-5]\d|6[1-6]))))?"
(XML Line 004452:46): element "link" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "primary" or "variant"
(XML Line 005459:3794): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005473:818): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005487:2295): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005501:1663): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005515:1847): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005529:1180): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005545:630): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005559:907): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005574:1521): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005589:647): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005603:582): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005619:1667): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005633:451): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005648:648): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005654:180): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005667:725): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005684:989): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005697:726): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005710:723): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005721:660): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005733:2632): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005749:633): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005763:372): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005774:934): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005786:620): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005799:2334): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 005807:24): character content of element "on" invalid; must be a string matching the regular expression "([\+\-]?\d{4})((-?)((0[1-9]|1[0-2])((-?)([12]\d|0[1-9]|3[01]))?|W([0-4]\d|5[0-2])(-?[1-7])?|(00[1-9]|0[1-9]\d|[12]\d{2}|3([0-5]\d|6[1-6]))))?"
(XML Line 005850:23): character content of element "on" invalid; must be a string matching the regular expression "([\+\-]?\d{4})((-?)((0[1-9]|1[0-2])((-?)([12]\d|0[1-9]|3[01]))?|W([0-4]\d|5[0-2])(-?[1-7])?|(00[1-9]|0[1-9]\d|[12]\d{2}|3([0-5]\d|6[1-6]))))?"
(XML Line 006254:20): character content of element "on" invalid; must be a string matching the regular expression "([\+\-]?\d{4})((-?)((0[1-9]|1[0-2])((-?)([12]\d|0[1-9]|3[01]))?|W([0-4]\d|5[0-2])(-?[1-7])?|(00[1-9]|0[1-9]\d|[12]\d{2}|3([0-5]\d|6[1-6]))))?"
(XML Line 006306:24): character content of element "on" invalid; must be a string matching the regular expression "([\+\-]?\d{4})((-?)((0[1-9]|1[0-2])((-?)([12]\d|0[1-9]|3[01]))?|W([0-4]\d|5[0-2])(-?[1-7])?|(00[1-9]|0[1-9]\d|[12]\d{2}|3([0-5]\d|6[1-6]))))?"
(XML Line 006347:23): character content of element "on" invalid; must be a string matching the regular expression "([\+\-]?\d{4})((-?)((0[1-9]|1[0-2])((-?)([12]\d|0[1-9]|3[01]))?|W([0-4]\d|5[0-2])(-?[1-7])?|(00[1-9]|0[1-9]\d|[12]\d{2}|3([0-5]\d|6[1-6]))))?"
(XML Line 006481:20): character content of element "on" invalid; must be a string matching the regular expression "([\+\-]?\d{4})((-?)((0[1-9]|1[0-2])((-?)([12]\d|0[1-9]|3[01]))?|W([0-4]\d|5[0-2])(-?[1-7])?|(00[1-9]|0[1-9]\d|[12]\d{2}|3([0-5]\d|6[1-6]))))?"
(XML Line 006684:25): character content of element "on" invalid; must be a string matching the regular expression "([\+\-]?\d{4})((-?)((0[1-9]|1[0-2])((-?)([12]\d|0[1-9]|3[01]))?|W([0-4]\d|5[0-2])(-?[1-7])?|(00[1-9]|0[1-9]\d|[12]\d{2}|3([0-5]\d|6[1-6]))))?"
(XML Line 006761:340): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 006768:335): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 006774:313): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 006783:325): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 006790:331): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 006796:313): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 007343:738): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 007382:611): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 007396:515): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 007408:1457): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 007420:888): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 007458:251): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"
(XML Line 007466:254): character content of element "stage" invalid; must be equal to "approved", "draft", "superseded" or "withdrawn"

.rxl file (2023-08-22 UTC 00:35 generate)

<bibdata type="standard">
<title language="en" format="text/plain">Spatial Web Protocol, Architecture and Governance</title>
<docidentifier type="IEEE">2874</docidentifier><docidentifier type="ISBN" scope="PDF">978-0-XXXX-XXXX-X STDXXXXX</docidentifier><docidentifier type="ISBN" scope="print">978-0-XXXX-XXXX-X STDPDXXXXX</docidentifier><docnumber>2874</docnumber><contributor><role type="publisher"/><organization>
<name>Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers</name>
<abbreviation>IEEE</abbreviation></organization></contributor><edition>1</edition><version><revision-date>2023-01-16</revision-date><draft>2</draft></version><language>en</language><script>Latn</script><abstract><p>This standard describes the services, metagraphs, protocols, and languages
necessary to enable interoperable, spatio-semantically-compatible connections
between network-connected hardware (e.g. autonomous drones, sensors, IoT
devices, robots) and software (e.g. user agents, services, platforms,
applications, artificial intelligence systems) and includes specifications for:</p>

<ul><li><p>a functional layer stack capable of fulfilling spatially defined real-world
and virtual requests for digital content respectful of governance authorities
and self-sovereign identity</p>
<li><p>a spatial range query and response format for requesting content or data about
assets within a dimensional range</p>
<li><p>a data ontology for describing objects, relationships, and activities</p>
<li><p>a verifiable credentialing and certification method for permissioning create-retrieve-update-delete access to devices, locations, users, and data</p>
<li><p>a human and machine-readable contracting language that enables the expression and automated execution of legal, financial, and physical activities</p>
<name>Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers</name>
<abbreviation>IEEE</abbreviation></organization></owner></copyright><keyword>Hyperspace Transaction Protocol</keyword><keyword>HSTP</keyword><keyword>Spatial Web</keyword><keyword>Hyperspace Modelling Language</keyword><keyword>HSML</keyword><keyword>Universal Domain Graph</keyword><keyword>UDG</keyword><keyword>Spatial Web Identifier</keyword><keyword>SWID</keyword><keyword>W3C Decentralized Identifier (DID)</keyword><keyword>Verifiable Credentials</keyword><ext><doctype>standard</doctype><subdoctype>document</subdoctype><editorialgroup><society>Computer Society</society><balloting-group/><working-group>Spatial Web Working Group</working-group><committee>C/AISC - Artificial Intelligence Standards Committee</committee></editorialgroup><structuredidentifier><docnumber>2874</docnumber><agency>IEEE</agency><class>standard</class><edition>1</edition><version>2</version><year>2022</year></structuredidentifier></ext></bibdata>
ReesePlews commented 1 year ago

hello @CAMOBAP and @ronaldtse i checked the generate task again on the IEEE P2874 document but there is still an issue please let me know when there is an update on the status. thank you

ronaldtse commented 1 year ago

@ReesePlews I can compile the document locally. Let us find out why the action isn't working...

ReesePlews commented 1 year ago

@ronaldtse thank you for the status update. i dont think my locally installed version is current anymore. our team is very dependent on the github tool chain, as it works so well. perhaps something else on github is causing the issue, but i am not knowledgeable enough to guess what that could be... thank you and the team for checking, keep me posted when you can.

ReesePlews commented 1 year ago

hello @ronaldtse and @CAMOBAP just checking in to see if there is any status update on this issue? has something changed in github that may be causing this? i checked a few minutes ago and it is still only generating the error, not the output formats.

prasaanth-verses commented 1 year ago

I did notice the following log when generating a doc, I'm not sure if this is related:

No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /__w/SWF-Corpus_and_IEEEP2874-D2/SWF-Corpus_and_IEEEP2874-D2/_site/documents/ieee-p2874/p2874.presentation.xml
ReesePlews commented 1 year ago

@prasaanth-verses thank you for investigating that. i hope this error can provide more information for the dev-team.

ReesePlews commented 1 year ago

hello @ronaldtse and @CAMOBAP i wondered if there is any status on this problem/fix? we cannot use the program/tool chain as we have been since the IEEE project began and it is now starting to cause concern from the other members. was the error message submitted above by Prasaanth helpful to track down what the issue is?

ronaldtse commented 1 year ago

@ReesePlews this issue has been fixed:

I'm running this to see if it works.

ronaldtse commented 1 year ago

@ReesePlews it's fixed and fully generating the content now.

Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 4 58 53 PM
ReesePlews commented 1 year ago

@ronaldtse thank you and the team for this work! really appreciate it!