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(URGENT) Rendering of ISO standard with part gets cited in-line with no part number or year #342

Closed ronaldtse closed 7 months ago

ronaldtse commented 7 months ago


* HSML shall provide a globally unique index for any geographic domain listed in the Spatial Web using a DGGS as defined in <<ISO_19170-1_2021>>.  

// biblio
* [[[ISO_19170-1_2021,ISO 19170-1:2021]]]


Screenshot 2024-02-11 at 11 27 51 PM

In Clause 2:

Screenshot 2024-02-11 at 11 28 05 PM

Notice that the HTML (and Word, and PDF) output renders "ISO 19170" instead of "ISO 19170-1:2021" despite no override.

Perhaps the problem is Relaton fetch... the result of ISO 19170-1:2021 seems to miss the "part number"...?

$ bundle exec relaton fetch "ISO 19170-1:2021"
[relaton-iso] (ISO 19170-1:2021) Fetching from ...
[relaton-iso] (ISO 19170-1:2021) Found: `ISO 19170-1:2021`
<bibdata type="standard" schema-version="v1.2.8">
  <title type="title-intro" format="text/plain" language="en" script="Latn">Geographic information</title>
  <title type="title-main" format="text/plain" language="en" script="Latn">Discrete Global Grid Systems Specifications</title>
  <title type="title-part" format="text/plain" language="en" script="Latn">Part 1: Core Reference System and Operations, and Equal Area Earth Reference System</title>
  <title type="main" format="text/plain" language="en" script="Latn">Geographic information - Discrete Global Grid Systems Specifications - Part 1: Core Reference System and Operations, and Equal Area Earth Reference System</title>
  <title type="title-intro" format="text/plain" language="fr" script="Latn">Information géographique</title>
  <title type="title-main" format="text/plain" language="fr" script="Latn">Spécifications des Systèmes de Grilles Globales Discrètes (DGGS)</title>
  <title type="title-part" format="text/plain" language="fr" script="Latn">Partie 1: Système de références et opérations de base, et système de référence terrestre à surface équivalente</title>
  <title type="main" format="text/plain" language="fr" script="Latn">Information géographique - Spécifications des Systèmes de Grilles Globales Discrètes (DGGS) - Partie 1: Système de références et opérations de base, et système de référence terrestre à surface équivalente</title>
  <uri type="src"></uri>
  <uri type="obp">!iso:std:32588:en</uri>
  <uri type="rss"></uri>
  <docidentifier type="ISO" primary="true">ISO 19170-1:2021</docidentifier>
  <docidentifier type="iso-reference">ISO 19170-1:2021(E)</docidentifier>
  <docidentifier type="URN">urn:iso:std:iso:19170:-1:stage-60.60:ed-1</docidentifier>
  <date type="published">
    <role type="publisher"/>
      <name>International Organization for Standardization</name>
  <abstract format="text/plain" language="en" script="Latn">This document supports the definition of:
—    A Discrete Global Grid Systems (DGGS) core comprising:
—    an RS using zonal identifiers with structured geometry, and
—    functions providing import, export and topological query,
—    Common spatio-temporal classes for geometry, topology, RS using zonal identifiers, zonal identifiers and zones, based on ISO 19111 CRS. The spatio-temporal scope is constrained to:
—    spatial elements that are invariant through all time, and
—    temporal elements that are invariant across all space.
—    Equal-Area Earth Reference Systems (EAERSs) for Equal-Area Earth DGGS.</abstract>
  <abstract format="text/plain" language="fr" script="Latn">Le présent document prend en charge la définition des éléments suivants:
—    des systèmes de grilles globales discrètes de base (DGSS), comprenant:
—    un RS utilisant des identificateurs zonaux avec une géométrie structurée; et
—    des fonctions permettant l'importation, l'exportation et la requête topologique;
—    des classes spatio-temporelles communes pour la géométrie, la topologie, les identificateurs zonaux à géométrie structurée, les identificateurs zonaux et les zones, se basant sur le CRS de l'ISO 19111. La portée spatio-temporelle est limitée:
—    aux éléments spatiaux qui sont invariants à travers le temps; et
—    aux éléments temporels qui sont invariants à travers l'espace;
—    aux systèmes de référence terrestre à surface équivalente (EAERS, Equal Area Earth Reference System) pour un DGGS terrestre à surface équivalente.</abstract>
  <ext schema-version="v1.0.0">
      <technical-committee number="211" type="TC">Geographic information/Geomatics</technical-committee>
      <text>IT applications in science</text>
    <structuredidentifier type="ISO">
      <project-number part="1">ISO 19170</project-number>
andrew2net commented 7 months ago

Where is the part missed? The docidentifier has part <docidentifier type="ISO" primary="true">ISO 19170-1:2021</docidentifier> If it means docnumber then as per @opoudjis said it used for sorting purpose only. The docnumber has not been changed for years.

ronaldtse commented 7 months ago

Then @opoudjis is this a Metanorma problem then?

opoudjis commented 7 months ago

Yes, it's a bug on my side with introducing semantic tagging on years in normative references. Fixing.