metanorma / metanorma-ogc

Metanorma processor for OGC documents
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Apply OGC reference rendering style in references (modified LNCS) #46

Closed ronaldtse closed 2 years ago

ronaldtse commented 5 years ago

From @ghobona:

OGC has historically used a derivative of the LNCS referencing style for the normative references. See example usage below.

  • ISO: ISO 19101-1:2014, Geographic information — Reference model — Part 1: Fundamentals, International Organization for Standardization, 2005

  • OGC: OGC 07-036r1, OpenGIS® Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Standard, Open Geospatial Consortium, 2016

I refer to it as a derivative because the document number is placed ahead of the title and the year is not placed in brackets.

I tried to create this same effect using the [[[id,label]]] approach of the metanorma-ogc template but failed.

So I ended up using regular anchors. See the file sections/clause_3_references.adoc in the document at the following link:

Note that the author-title separator is a colon.

Is it possible to create the same effect using the [[[id,label]]] approach of the metanorma-ogc template?

This is a great question and we've just started working on this area. Basically, a citation is created according to two things:

  1. The metadata elements of the cited item.
  2. The locality information within that cited item (optional, e.g., "Annex B").
  3. The reference rendering style of the document.

We are currently working towards having a customizable way of determining item 3.

In the near term, we can implement this "OGC reference rendering style" (a LNCS-variant) in the code.

In the longer term, we will want to implement the "OGC reference rendering style" as some sort of CSL / CSL-superset definition to ensure all references are correctly rendered.

Thoughts @opoudjis ?

ronaldtse commented 5 years ago

For the record, this is also used by NIST. (We implemented a custom reference rendering style for NIST)

ronaldtse commented 5 years ago

@ghobona I'd like to confirm two things:

  1. We're only talking about the "Normative references" section. So it only applies to referencing SDO documents only. Is this correct?

The reason I ask is that a citation style can be very complex and is not something that can be done quickly. For example, ISO 690 (international standard for citations) is nearly 100 pages long.

  1. LNCS style does not contain really contain a reference style for a "Standard". They have styles for referencing "Journals", "Books", "Conference proceedings", etc.


Author Surname, A.: Title. Publication Title. Volume number, Issue number, Pages Used (Year Published).

Conference proceeding:

Author Surname, A.: Title. Publication Title. p. Pages Used Publisher, City (Year Published).


Author Surname, A.: Title. Publisher, City (Year Published).

The desired style for OGC given by the two examples we extrapolate the rule for citing Standard documents:

{author}: {document identifier}, {title}, {publisher}, {year}

In this case both {author} and {publisher} are identical.

Is this correct?

ogcscotts commented 5 years ago

I recommend keeping Metanorma on the proper LNCS and OGC will accept that year goes in parentheses (we at OGC need to update our own templates). Yes, author and publisher would be identical. City will always be "Wayland."

ronaldtse commented 5 years ago

@ogcscotts then the "OGC style of citing Standard documents" will be:

{author}: {document identifier}, {title}. {publisher}, {city} ({year})

In the case of standard organizations like ISO and OGC, using the samples given by @ghobona they will be:

@ogcscotts question: do we want some qualification for the city name? "Wayland", "Wayland, MA"?There are couple places in the UK with the same name.

(That said, LNCS references often write "Berlin Heidelberg New York" for {city}, which is a concatenation of city names with no understandable delimitation...)

ogcscotts commented 5 years ago

@ronaldtse I'd just stick with "Wayland" as I have seen very few LNCS references with more full location attribution... wait, that sounds like something OGC should do!!!!

opoudjis commented 5 years ago

Let me reiterate what @ronaldtse has said:

With all that, we cannot undertake to deliver generic bibliographic rendering to OGC soon. It will take months.

opoudjis commented 5 years ago

As for standards:

=== OpenGIS® Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Standard
id:: OGC 07-036r1
type::: published
value::: 2016
name:::: Open Geospatial Consortium
place:: Wayland

Again: this is experimental, and I would strongly recommend you either provide screen-scrapable source for OGC standards, or else wait until we have implemented generic referencing.

Or else, you can just write the full LNCS citation for OGC standards as its "title"; it will just be treated as a preformatted citation. Which in fact is the least disruptive option of all for OGC:

* [[[id,label]]], OGC: OGC 07-036r1, _OpenGIS® Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Standard_, Open Geospatial Consortium, 2016
opoudjis commented 5 years ago

This ticket is being demoted from Urgent to High. Urgent are tickets that will take a day or two to happen; the work in this ticket is months for full LNCS, and even for standards, it may well be weeks.

opoudjis commented 5 years ago


For standards we do not screenscrape (OGC, W3C), treat the entire LNCS citation as the title:

* [[[id,label]]], OGC: OGC 07-036r1, _OpenGIS® Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Standard_, Open Geospatial Consortium, 2016

We will not attempt to generate it from scratch.

For the standards we do screenscrape, we will get the year from the screenscrape, and we will perforce need to add places of publication to all our screenscrapes. Where available. We will put dates and places of publication and abbreviation as author, but if and only if that information is available from our screenscraping. If we can't get the city, we won't display it. (We should always be able to get the year, from the sources we have.)

opoudjis commented 5 years ago

The following is the new rendering of standards citations as implemented -- although you will not see places of publication until we have added them to our screenscraper.

<p id="ISO712" class="NormRef">ISO: ISO 712, <i>Cereals and cereal products</i>. <span>International Organization for Standardization</span>, Geneva (2018).</p>

<p id="ISO16634" class="NormRef">ISO/IEC: ISO 16634:-- (all parts), <i>Cereals, pulses, milled cereal products, oilseeds and animal feeding stuffs</i>. <span>International Organization for Standardization</span> and <span>International Electrotechnical Commission</span> (2018&#8211;2019).</p>

I have attempted to degrade gracefully if information is not available.

Again, this code will not be available to you until our next release.

ronaldtse commented 5 years ago

Just a clarification, by "screenscraping" not all the Relaton gems perform screen-scraping. For example, the NIST data source uses a Metanorma-specific JSON bibliographic endpoint provided by NIST. So there's no screen-scraping there.

If there is a JSON bibliographic endpoint for OGC publications, that would be great for all of us 😉

opoudjis commented 5 years ago

Since the proximate issue of standards rendering has been addressed, we are currently not going to proceed with the rest of this ticket for now:

I am unassigning this issue from myself, and putting it on hold. If the conditions above are fulfilled, I will revisit it; but you can handle non-standards documents in Metanorma right now by just putting in an entry like this:

* [[[ref13,13]]] [smallcap]#Buckee G.K.# Determination of total nitrogen in barley, malt and beer by Kjeldahl procedures and the Dumas combustion method -- Collaborative trial. _J. Inst. Brew._ 1994, *100* (2) pp 57-64
ronaldtse commented 5 years ago

Now have a definitive form from 690, perhaps this is applicable to all MN flavors, not only OGC. AsciiBib and Relaton YAML, if Metanorma can support them, will be able to handle this.

opoudjis commented 4 years ago

This is an issue that will be in eternal limbo unless some more concrete plan of action is attached to it. ping @ronaldtse

opoudjis commented 2 years ago

This ticket can now be actioned, with the relaton-render gem being used to generate references for ISO 690 in general.

opoudjis commented 2 years ago

Ronald thinks using the existing Springer LNCS stylesheet under CSL is a good idea.


opoudjis commented 2 years ago

Waiting on, to generate citeproc.

opoudjis commented 2 years ago

Ronald thinks using the existing Springer LNCS stylesheet under CSL is a good idea.

As of right now, @ronaldtse, this is an atrociously bad idea.

We are going to have to expend significant effort to debug citeproc, just to get back to where we are right now with relaton-render.

If OGC have seen fit to customise LNCS, we would be putting in even more work to get the customised version of LNCS working, when, again, we already have relaton-render.

ronaldtse commented 2 years ago

That was "back then" and we know that the time has changed, luckily, for the better. Now with relaton-render we are now free to pursue more complex and accurate bibliographic rendering (instead of being hostage to citeproc's internal data model that is very limited).

The way forward is definitely to define an "OGC style LNCS" using relaton-render.

opoudjis commented 2 years ago

Which leads me to comment BUT WE HAVE ALREADY DONE THAT.

LNCS is not actually particularly big:

This says all of the following:

2 names: "Doe, J. and T. Williams" 3 names: "Doe, J., S. Smith, and T. Williams"

<name name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=", " initialize-with="." delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>

(OGC have already customised away from this; that's why we generate with LNCS "Johnson, F., Jackson, Nixon, R.M.", and OGC have "Fred Johnson, Jackson KG, Nixon RM". So I need to see their template.)

"NAME (ed./eds.)"

<label form="short" prefix=" " strip-periods="true"/>

"publisher, place"

<text variable="publisher"/> <text variable="publisher-place" prefix=", "/>


{author}: {title}. {publisher} ({year}).

for journal articles,

{author}: {title}. {journal} {volume}, {page} ({year}).

for conference papers

{author}: {title}. In {editor} {container-title} {page} (publisher). ({year})

We already have:

  standard: "{% if creatornames %}{{ creatornames }} ({{role}}){%else%}{{ publisher_abbrev}}{%endif%} : {{standardidentifier|first}} {{draft}} , <em>{{ title }}</em>. {{ publisher }}{%if place%},{%endif%} {{ place }} ({{date}}). {{uri}}."


  one: "{% if nonpersonal[0] %}{{ nonpersonal[0] }}{% else %}{{surname[0] }} {{initials[0]}}{% endif %}"
  two: "{% if nonpersonal[0] %}{{ nonpersonal[0] }}{% else %}{{surname[0] }} {{initials[0]}}{% endif %} , {% if nonpersonal[1] %}{{ nonpersonal[1] }}{% else %}{{surname[1]}} {{ initials[1]}}{% endif %}"
  more: "{% if nonpersonal[0] %}{{ nonpersonal[0] }}{% else %}{{surname[0] }} {{initials[0]}} {% endif %} , {% if nonpersonal[1] %}{{ nonpersonal[1] }}{% else %}{{surname[1]}} {{ initials[1]}} {% endif %} , {% if nonpersonal[2] %}{{ nonpersonal[2] }}{% else %}{{surname[2]}} {{initials[2]}}{% endif %}"

As far as I'm concerned, this ticket was not helpful, although the immaturity of our support of citeproc and bibtex are as much of an issue as anything else. But OGC have clearly customised LNCS quite heavily. All that I should be doing here is expanding the relaton template to the other bibliographic types, following LNCS, but with OGC's treatment of names.