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Word docx to adoc conversion for 'ISO Edited DIS Template' #150

Closed Intelligent2013 closed 2 years ago

Intelligent2013 commented 2 years ago


DRAFT mapping table between DIS docx styles (ISO Edited DIS Template) and adoc:

Note: styles missed in ISO Simple Template (see

ISO Edited DIS Template docx internal xml style using in metanorma-iso adoc example mnconvert support
AMEND Heading 1 Unnumbered AMENDHeading1Unnumbered -
AMEND Terms Heading AMENDTermsHeading -
Admitted Term AdmittedTerm + alt:[paddy rice]
alt:[rough rice]
Base_Text (isn't using directly) BaseText -
Biblio Description BiblioDescription -
Biblio Entry BiblioEntry + * [[[ISO_3696, ISO 3696]]], Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods +
Biblio Text BiblioText -
Body Text Indent 21 BodyTextIndent21 -
Body Text Indent 22 BodyTextIndent22 -
Body Text Indent 31 BodyTextIndent31 -
Body Text Indent 32 BodyTextIndent32 -
Body Text (-) BodyText- -
Body Text indent 1 (-) BodyTextindent1- -
Body Text indent 1 BodyTextindent1 + CAUTION: text or
Body Text indent 2 (-) BodyTextindent2- -
Body Text indent 3 (-) BodyTextindent3- -
Body Text indent 4 (-) BodyTextindent4- -
Body Text indent 4 BodyTextindent4 -
Body Text_Center BodyTextCenter -
Box-begin Box-begin -
Box-end Box-end -
Box-title Box-title -
Chinese Chinese -
Code (--) Code-- + [source]
Code (--) Code-- + [source]
Courier Courier -
Cover Title_A1 CoverTitleA1 -
Cover Title_A2 CoverTitleA2 -
Cover Title_A3 CoverTitleA3 -
Cover Title_B CoverTitleB -
Dimension_100 Dimension100 -
Dimension_50 Dimension50 -
Dimension_75 Dimension75 -
Example continued Examplecontinued + ....
Example indent 2 continued Exampleindent2continued - see Examplecontinued +
Example indent 2 Exampleindent2 - see Example +
Example indent continued Exampleindentcontinued + see Examplecontinued +
Example indent Exampleindent + see Example +
Figure Graphic FigureGraphic + .Figure title
Figure Image FigureImage -
Figure description Figuredescription -
Figure example Figureexample + see Example +
Figure note Figurenote + NOTE: text ... +
Figure subtitle Figuresubtitle -
Figure title Figuretitle + see Figuretitle0 +
Figure title Figuretitle0 + .Split-it-right sample divider +
Formula description Formuladescription -
Front Head FrontHead -
ISOCode ISOCode + 'text' +
ISOCode_bold ISOCodebold + 'text' +
ISOCode_italic ISOCodeitalic + '_text_' +
Index Head IndexHead -
Key Text KeyText -
Key Title KeyTitle -
List Continue 1 (-) ListContinue1- + . list item +
List Continue 1 ListContinue1 + . list item +
List Continue 2 (-) ListContinue2- + .. list item +
List Continue 3 (-) ListContinue3- + ... list item +
List Continue 4 (-) ListContinue4- + .... list item +
List Continue 5 (-) ListContinue5- + ..... list item +
List Number 1 (-) ListNumber1- + * list item +
List Number 1 ListNumber1 + * list item +
List Number 2 (-) ListNumber2- + ** list item +
List Number 3 (-) ListNumber3- + *** list item +
List Number 4 (-) ListNumber4- + **** list item +
List Number 5 (-) ListNumber5- + ***** list item +
Main Title 1 MainTitle1 -
Main Title 2 MainTitle2 -
Main Title 3 MainTitle3 -
Note continued Notecontinued + ....
Note indent 2 continued Noteindent2continued - see +
Note indent 2 Noteindent2 - see Note +
Note indent continued Noteindentcontinued + see Noteindent2continued +
Note indent Noteindent + see Note +
Note Note + NOTE: Lower mass fractions of ... +
Note Note0 - see Note +
Notice Notice -
RefNorm RefNorm + * [[[ISO_712,ISO 712]]], Cereals and cereal products — Determination of moisture content — Reference method +
Table Graphic TableGraphic -
Table ISO TableISO + markup as table, not definition list +
Table body Tablebody + table adoc markup +
Table body (+) Tablebody0 -
Table body (--) Tablebody-- -
Table body (-) Tablebody- -
Table description Tabledescription -
Table footer Tablefooter -
Table header (+) Tableheader0 -
Table header (--) Tableheader-- -
Table header (-) Tableheader- -
Table header Tableheader + options="header",headerrows=2 and additional line break after last header row +
Table title Tabletitle + see above +
Table title Tabletitle0 -
addition addition + add:[text] +
au_base aubase -
au_collab aucollab -
au_deg audeg -
au_fname aufname -
au_member aumember -
au_prefix auprefix -
au_role aurole -
au_suffix ausuffix -
au_surname ausurname -
bib_alt-year bibalt-year -
bib_article bibarticle -
bib_base bibbase -
bib_book bibbook -
bib_chapterno bibchapterno -
bib_chaptertitle bibchaptertitle -
bib_comment bibcomment -
bib_deg bibdeg -
bib_doi bibdoi -
bib_ed-etal bibed-etal -
bib_ed-fname bibed-fname -
bib_ed-organization bibed-organization -
bib_ed-suffix bibed-suffix -
bib_ed-surname bibed-surname -
bib_editionno bibeditionno -
bib_etal bibetal -
bib_extlink bibextlink -
bib_fname bibfname -
bib_fpage bibfpage -
bib_institution bibinstitution -
bib_isbn bibisbn -
bib_issue bibissue -
bib_journal bibjournal -
bib_location biblocation -
bib_lpage biblpage -
bib_medline bibmedline -
bib_number bibnumber -
bib_organization biborganization -
bib_pagecount bibpagecount -
bib_patent bibpatent -
bib_publisher bibpublisher -
bib_reportnum bibreportnum -
bib_school bibschool -
bib_series bibseries -
bib_seriesno bibseriesno -
bib_suffix bibsuffix -
bib_suppl bibsuppl -
bib_surname bibsurname -
bib_trans bibtrans -
bib_unpubl bibunpubl -
bib_url biburl
bib_volume bibvolume -
bib_year bibyear -
boilerplate-address1 boilerplate-address1 -
boilerplate-name1 boilerplate-name1 -
cite_app citeapp + <<AnnexA>> +
cite_base citebase + <<id>> +
cite_bib citebib + <<id>> +
cite_box citebox + <<id>> +
cite_en citeen + <<id>> +
cite_eq citeeq + <<id>> +
cite_fig citefig + <<figureA-1>> +
cite_fn citefn + <<id>> +
cite_sec citesec + <<clause5>> +
cite_section citesection + <<id>> +
cite_tbl citetbl + <<table2>> +
cite_tfn citetfn + <<id>> +
content1 content1 -
coverpage_docnumber coverpagedocnumber -
coverpage_docstage coverpagedocstage -
coverpage_techcommittee coverpagetechcommittee -
coverpage_warning coverpagewarning -
deletion deletion + del:[text] +
dl dl + item:: description +
dl_no indent dlnoindent -
figure figure + .Figure title
figuretitle FigureTitle + see above +
p2 p2 -
p3 p3 -
p4 p4 -
p5 p5 -
p6 p6 -
part part -
partlabel partlabel -
recommendationtitle AdmonitionTitle -
recommendationtitle recommendationtitle -
sourcecode1 sourcecode1 -
sourcetitle SourceTitle -
std_base stdbase -
std_docNumber stddocNumber + 3696 +
std_docPartNumber stddocPartNumber + 1 +
std_docTitle stddocTitle + Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods +
std_documentType stddocumentType -
std_footnote stdfootnote -
std_publisher stdpublisher + ISO +
std_section stdsection -
std_suppl stdsuppl -
std_year stdyear + 2011 +
stem stem -
stem1 stem1 -
tablefootnote tablefootnote + footnote:[Text] +
title-second1 title-second1 -
title1 title1 -
title2 title2 -
zzAddress zzAddress + skip +
zzCover Char zzCoverChar -
zzCover zzCover + :docnumber: 17301
:partnumber: 1
:revdate: 2016-05-01
:title-intro-en: Cereals and pulses
zzcopyrighthdr zzcopyrighthdr + skip +
Intelligent2013 commented 2 years ago

Current docx->adoc result:

Intelligent2013 commented 2 years ago

Docx to adoc conversion available in mnconvert v1.19.0 Conversion gaps listed above.