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the features that i miss for metanote #4

Open fislysandi opened 6 months ago

fislysandi commented 6 months ago

the issue is currently under construction

im using doom emacs with the org-gtd v3 package ( and i was searching good solution to bring my notes to mobile, but sadly thats not the case. orgzly sucks at this, organice too, so i hope metanote will develop to fill this void.

features that i think it currently lacks

  1. ability to define custom agendas, so i could just create an inbox agenda then capture some tasks into it clarify it into a current project that im working on or single tasks that im
  2. ability to quickly capture the task into the inbox or any org file
  3. please create a widget? (you can simply copy orgzly one)
  4. local sync (im just using synthing for syncing the files) 5.areas of focus (gtd-v3 feature that allows you to create way more organized agenda lists)

i will be satisfied with just the ability to have my tasks and projects displayed on the agenda on the go

so i could sort out

the inbox agenda (where all your future tasks go) the projects agenda (displaying a gray heading of the project that displays multiple actions that needs to be completed) the single task agenda (single tasks like a todo list) the habit agenda (things that i must do every single day)

i will just link this down below for further explanation

metanote-dev commented 6 months ago

Hi, this features have already supported in Metanote iOS version, see

metanote-dev commented 6 months ago

by the way, , this video is so great, did you make it?