metaphacts / linkedpaperswithcode

Code for generating Linked Papers with Code a high-quality RDF knowledge graph with metadata about the machine learning landscape.
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show authors in a better way #13

Open VladimirAlexiev opened 2 months ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 2 months ago

Look at

TL;DR: The rest of the description belabors the second bullet above.

Let's find some papers with more disambiguated authors than raw author names:

PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX lpwcc: <>
PREFIX lpwc: <>
select * {
  {select ?paper {?paper a lpwcc:paper}}
  {select ?paper (count(*) as ?authorsRaw) {?paper lpwc:creatorName ?authorRaw} group by ?paper}
  {select ?paper (count(*) as ?authors) {?paper dct:creator ?author} group by ?paper}
} limit 3
paper authorsRaw authors 3 9 1 3 1 6

Now let's look at the first one:

So the authors are partitioned into Raw (names) and disambiguated (Author)