metaphacts / linkedpaperswithcode

Code for generating Linked Papers with Code a high-quality RDF knowledge graph with metadata about the machine learning landscape.
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eliminate limit of 20k results #6

Open VladimirAlexiev opened 7 months ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 7 months ago

The Virtuoso instance has a limit of 20k results. Some simple queries run in no time at all, but suffer from this limit.

Eg here's a query to get all software repositories (with the idea of discovering Github repos devoted to ML, and their respective Github tags, so as to snowball into more ML/AI repos):

prefix lpwcc:   <>
prefix fabio:   <>

select * {
  [] a lpwcc:repository; fabio:hasURL ?repo

Should return 173k but returns 20k.

Eliminate the limit of 20k results. Or consider the option of rehosting on GraphDB and setting a query-timeout, but no result-limit.