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Difficulty in Retrieving Institutions Using Acronyms in SPARQL Queries #105

Open yileitu opened 1 week ago

yileitu commented 1 week ago


I am currently working on a project where I need to perform searches in SemOpenAlex based on user input. For example, when a user wants to find information about CMU (Carnegie Mellon University), my program executes the following SPARQL query:

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX soa: <>
PREFIX terms: <>
PREFIX org: <>
PREFIX Service: <>
PREFIX entitylookup: <>
PREFIX ns1: <>

SELECT ?uri ?citedByCount WHERE {
    SERVICE Service:entityLookup {
        ?uri entitylookup:entityName "cmu";
            entitylookup:candidateType soa:Institution;
    ?uri ns1:citedByCount ?citedByCount.
ORDER BY DESC(?citedByCount)

However, the results retrieved only include the SYSU-CMU International Joint Research Institute (, which is clearly not the CMU (Carnegie Mellon University) the user is looking for. Similarly, acronyms such as MIT, JHU, UMich, etc., do not correctly retrieve the intended institutions.

I understand that replacing the acronym with the full name (e.g., "Carnegie Mellon University" instead of "CMU") would return the correct results. However, users are more inclined to input acronyms rather than full names.

Question: Do you have any suggestions or solutions for handling such cases where users input acronyms instead of full institution names? How can we improve the accuracy of our queries to match user expectations?

Thank you for your assistance.

yileitu commented 3 days ago

Hi SemOpenAlex Team, any updates?