metaphacts / semopenalex

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Emit all URLs as real URLs instead of strings #43

Open VladimirAlexiev opened 10 months ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 10 months ago

This pertains to eg:

  datacite:doi "";
  sp:crossrefType ""; 
  rdfs:seeAlso ""; 
  foaf:depiction ""; 
  sp:imageThumbnail "" . 
  fabio:hasURL ""; 
  sp:pdfUrl ""; 
  foaf:homepage "";
  soa:ror "";

I think you know with certainty which OpenAlex fields are URLs?

linnaung commented 9 months ago

We will implement suggested by you.

VladimirAlexiev commented 6 months ago

This is especially important for identifiers in other KGs, and you should use the exact semantic URLs of that KG. Eg:

<> a soa:Institution;
  owl:sameAs makg:200650556, "";

The link should become owl:sameAs <>

<> a soa:Geo;
  <> "3149318";
  <> "Kristiansand";

The link should become owl:sameAs <>