metaplex-foundation / sugar

Candy Machine Rust CLI.
Apache License 2.0
203 stars 116 forks source link

Feature/civ 5274 civic sugar cm creation #305

Closed kevinhcolgan closed 2 years ago

kevinhcolgan commented 2 years ago

Building with test ignite networks

To create a candy machine that is protected by the test civic ignite gatekeeper tigoYhp9SpCDoCQmXGj2im5xa3mnjR1zuXrpCJ5ZRmi, you can build with an environment variable to use this instead of the normal production (ignREusXmGrscGNUesoU9mxfds9AiYTezUKex2PsZV6):

GATEKEEPER_NETWORK=tigoYhp9SpCDoCQmXGj2im5xa3mnjR1zuXrpCJ5ZRmi cargo install --path ./

Civic quick start

  1. Rename civic.env to .env: this sets an environment to use devnet with the quiknode devnet URL
  2. Depending on whether you want to create a test-ignite-protected, or an ignite-protected candy machine, rename the file config.json.civic-ignite to config.json or config.json.civic-test-ignite to config.json
  3. delete the cache.json file (if one exists from a previous run)
  4. airdrop to the Civic CM owner address: solana config set --url devnet && solana airdrop 1 6Gtg8vNfq3k75z5Qqj1xT35sJcT7KMM7DF8LXfgibyxK
  5. run sugar launch, accept questions with 'y'

Civic create a mint with more than 100 test images

  1. use the script to generate N images i.e. script/ assets mint-test.png 150
  2. delete the config.json and cache.json files
  3. run sugar launch and follow the prompts, taking care to add the Civic gatekeeper