metaregistrar / php-epp-client

Object-oriented PHP EPP Client
MIT License
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Use of self signed certificate #178

Closed Foolson closed 5 years ago

Foolson commented 5 years ago


Is it possible to use this project with self signed certificates?

I'm trying to connect to IIS and it works with: openssl s_client -connect -cert certfile.pem

But not with php-epp-client.




PHP Notice:  Undefined index: password in /var/www/html/vendor/metaregistrar/php-epp-client/Protocols/EPP/eppConnection.php on line 1052
==== LOG ====
PHP Warning:  stream_socket_client(): Peer certificate CN=`' did not match expected CN=`' in /var/www/html/vendor/metaregistrar/php-epp-client/Protocols/EPP/eppConnection.php on line 395
PHP Warning:  stream_socket_client(): Failed to enable crypto in /var/www/html/vendor/metaregistrar/php-epp-client/Protocols/EPP/eppConnection.php on line 395
PHP Warning:  stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to ssl:// (Unknown error) in /var/www/html/vendor/metaregistrar/php-epp-client/Protocols/EPP/eppConnection.php on line 395
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Metaregistrar\EPP\eppException: Error connecting to ssl://  (code 0) in /var/www/html/vendor/metaregistrar/php-epp-client/Protocols/EPP/eppConnection.php:401
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/vendor/metaregistrar/php-epp-client/Protocols/EPP/eppConnection.php(441): Metaregistrar\EPP\eppConnection->connect()
#1 /var/www/html/index.php(5): Metaregistrar\EPP\eppConnection->login()
#2 {main}
  thrown in /var/www/html/vendor/metaregistrar/php-epp-client/Protocols/EPP/eppConnection.php on line
metaregistrar commented 5 years ago

We have not tested a connection with a self-signed certificate yet. But the error messages you are getting look as if they have more to do with the response from the registry than with php-epp-client itself. In addition to 'certificatefile' you can also specify 'certificatepassword=' in the ini file if the certificate has a password.

Foolson commented 5 years ago

We have not tested a connection with a self-signed certificate yet.

IIS ignores the certificate authority so there is no need for properly signed certificates.

But the error messages you are getting look as if they have more to do with the response from the registry than with php-epp-client itself.

Can I do any further tests to check this?

In addition to 'certificatefile' you can also specify 'certificatepassword=' in the ini file if the certificate has a password.

The certificatefile is unencrypted.

metaregistrar commented 5 years ago

The error message "Peer certificate' did not match expected'" does not come from php-epp-client and seems to be the issue with the certificate.

Can you try to alter line 131 of Protocols/EPP/eppConnection.php to: protected $allow_self_signed = true;

If this works, i can make a change to that a keyword in the ini file allows for self-signed certificates.

Foolson commented 5 years ago

The error message "Peer certificate' did not match expected'" does not come from php-epp-client and seems to be the issue with the certificate.

My certificatefile does not contain or so I guess that's IIS's certificate.

Can you try to alter line 131 of Protocols/EPP/eppConnection.php to: protected $allow_self_signed = true;

If this works, i can make a change to that a keyword in the ini file allows for self-signed certificates.

Sadly it didn't work.

PHP Notice:  Undefined index: password in /var/www/html/vendor/metaregistrar/php-epp-client/Protocols/EPP/eppConnection.php on line 1052
==== LOG ====
PHP Warning:  stream_socket_client(): Peer certificate CN=`' did not match expected CN=`' in /var/www/html/vendor/metaregistrar/php-epp-client/Protocols/EPP/eppConnection.php on line 395
PHP Warning:  stream_socket_client(): Failed to enable crypto in /var/www/html/vendor/metaregistrar/php-epp-client/Protocols/EPP/eppConnection.php on line 395
PHP Warning:  stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to ssl:// (Unknown error) in /var/www/html/vendor/metaregistrar/php-epp-client/Protocols/EPP/eppConnection.php on line 395
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Metaregistrar\EPP\eppException: Error connecting to ssl://  (code 0) in /var/www/html/vendor/metaregistrar/php-epp-client/Protocols/EPP/eppConnection.php:401
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/vendor/metaregistrar/php-epp-client/Protocols/EPP/eppConnection.php(441): Metaregistrar\EPP\eppConnection->connect()
#1 /var/www/html/index.php(5): Metaregistrar\EPP\eppConnection->login()
#2 {main}
  thrown in /var/www/html/vendor/metaregistrar/php-epp-client/Protocols/EPP/eppConnection.php on line 401
metaregistrar commented 5 years ago

Can you check if you have the latest version? In my version, line 395 of eppConnection.php is within the logout() command, so it seems that you are working with a different version.

Foolson commented 5 years ago

Can you check if you have the latest version? In my version, line 395 of eppConnection.php is within the logout() command, so it seems that you are working with a different version.

I use Composer and from what I can find php-epp-client is version 1.0.6.

            "name": "metaregistrar/php-epp-client",
            "version": "1.0.6",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "febe4dc34aff8b5a377689ed80e35db83c60f614"
metaregistrar commented 5 years ago

That is the latest version.

But weird, if you check, you see that line 395 is in the logout() function, and your procedure does not seem to come there.

Foolson commented 5 years ago

That is the latest version. But weird, if you check, you see that line 395 is in the logout() function, and your procedure does not seem to come there.

Yeah that row is on row 466 for me. Tested to redownload php-epp-client but it's still on 466.

metaregistrar commented 5 years ago

The latest version 1.0.6 is a version where a number of obsolete functions are removed, so that would make sense if your version is older, then the logout() code would be about 60 lines further up.

The reason that i ask is because in the old version there were 2 different ways to connect, making debugging a lot more difficult. Only one of those 2 ways allowed for certificates to be used.

Foolson commented 5 years ago

The latest version 1.0.6 is a version where a number of obsolete functions are removed, so that would make sense if your version is older, then the logout() code would be about 60 lines further up.

So I dont have version 1.0.6?

The reason that i ask is because in the old version there were 2 different ways to connect, making debugging a lot more difficult. Only one of those 2 ways allowed for certificates to be used.

So I should check if I use the wrong one?

Foolson commented 5 years ago

Did a git clone instead and used the same settings.ini and the same self signed cert.

And the result looks different:

$ php checkdomain.php
Checking 1 domain names
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: password in /home/jo/git/php-epp-client/Protocols/EPP/eppConnection.php
on line 980
ERROR: No password specified for login attempt

==== LOG ====
-----Connection made-----2019-02-12 10:31:50-----
Stream opened
-----END-----2019-02-12 10:31:50-----

-----DISCONNECT-----2019-02-12 10:32:00-----
-----END-----2019-02-12 10:32:00-----

I guess that Composer downloads a older version?

Foolson commented 5 years ago

I feel like an idiot that I thought that no password was needed. Fixed that and it seems like I got one step closer to a solution.

$ php checkdomain.php
Checking 2 domain names
ERROR: Unexpected closed connection by remote host...

==== LOG ====
-----Connection made-----2019-02-12 11:11:24-----
Stream opened
-----END-----2019-02-12 11:11:24-----

-----WRITE-----2019-02-12 11:11:34-----
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">

-----END-----2019-02-12 11:11:34-----
metaregistrar commented 5 years ago

Hi Johan,

I am pleased that you at least are closer to a solution. Please let me know if you need additional help.

Foolson commented 5 years ago

So I guess that checkdomain.php should return some sort of status from the registrar?

Looks like the registrar never responds.

ERROR: Unexpected closed connection by remote host...

Could it be a firewall problem?

metaregistrar commented 5 years ago

Yes, might be firewalling either on your own side (make sure port 700 is open) or on the side of the registry.

Foolson commented 5 years ago

I have confirmed that 700 is open on both sides.

I can't see anything about ssl or certificates in the communication and the password is sent i cleartext.

metaregistrar commented 5 years ago

When you use openssl to connect, do you see the "hello" message from the registry? That would indicate that all communications is correct, and that the userid/password is not accepted.

Maybe you can ask the Swedish guys if they see something happening at their side....

Foolson commented 5 years ago

When you use openssl to connect, do you see the "hello" message from the registry? That would indicate that all communications is correct, and that the userid/password is not accepted.

openssl s_client -connect -cert certfile.pem

At the end of the output I get the following XML:

 ║"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<epp xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0 epp-1.0.xsd" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" xmlns:xsi="">
                <all />
                    <prov />
                    <ours />
                    <public />
                    <stated />
metaregistrar commented 5 years ago

Yes, that is the greeting from the registry, so the encryption and the certificate and the open ports are correct. The only thing that might be wrong is username/password not accepted. Any ampersands or greater-then or smaller-then signs in the password? In that case you must use $conn->login(true). The password that contains difficult characters is then wrapped in a [CDATA[ structure. I have made this optional, because i found out that not all registries accept a password wrapped in a [CDATA[ block.

Foolson commented 5 years ago

The password contains $, !, numbers and letters.

I could change to a password without any special characters.

One thing I'm still confused about is that the password and username is sent in cleartext. Shouldn't it be encrypted if I do a packet capture?

metaregistrar commented 5 years ago

If you have an SSL connection, the whole packet is encrypted before it goes out on the internet - not only the username and password.

Can you try hostname=ssl:// and see if that works?

Foolson commented 5 years ago

It works perfectly with ssl://

So, I testet that with the outdated version I downloaded with Composer. It then tried to connect to ssl://ssl:// But I forgot to try it again with the version I downloaded with git…

Also, everything is now encrypted in the packet capture.

metaregistrar commented 5 years ago

So the only question left is why composer would feed you an old version.

Foolson commented 5 years ago

Yep, and the only fault beside my mistakes.

Foolson commented 5 years ago

But that issue is not connected to self signed certificates so I will close this issue now.

metaregistrar commented 5 years ago

Installed php-epp-client with composer, and indeed received an old version. Will fix this.

metaregistrar commented 5 years ago

Fixed it in 1.0.7.

There was an error in composer.json where packagist would refuse to update the package.

mohamedammar940 commented 5 months ago

hello i have same error

ERROR: Unexpected closed connection by remote host... my code is
$conn = new \Metaregistrar\EPP\eppConnection(); $conn->addExtension( 'allocationToken','urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:allocationToken-1.0'); $conn->useExtension('secDNS-1.1'); $conn->setHostname(''); //also trying ssl:// $conn->setPort(700); $conn->setUsername('xxx'); $conn->setPassword('xxxxxx'); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'ssl' => array( 'local_cert' => $sslCert, 'local_pk' => $sslKey, 'passphrase'=>'', ) )); $conn->setSslContext($context); $conn->connect(); $conn->login(); but i get same error i can connect to NIC epp end point service via cmd using the SSL certificates openssl s_client -connect -cert registrar.crt -key registrar.key

depth=2 C = US, O = Internet Security Research Group, CN = ISRG Root X1
verify return:1
depth=1 C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R3
verify return:1
depth=0 CN = *
verify return:1

and other xml resonse