metasfresh / metasfresh-e2e-legacy

metasfresh End-2-End Testing project.
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Open Picking Terminal and filter for Date, Product and BPartner #291

Closed metas-dh closed 5 years ago

metas-dh commented 5 years ago

Test shall include:


  1. i created 2 sales orders for this video, but there were already a few existing ones from running the test specs earlier (which is more realistic)
  2. in a customer db there might be more than 1 picking line matching the filter params, pls keep that in mind!
  3. i realized after creating the task that the menu language was set to en_US, but it had not updated, so the video shows menu language de_DE; pls let me know if this is confusing then i'll recreate the video in en_US

Todo for developer (besides coding)

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cristinastefan90 commented 5 years ago

The test is done but is failing due to After this issue will be fixed, the test will pass. It will need to be moved from integration/defunct dir.

cristinastefan90 commented 5 years ago

Also, we need to monitor this test when it will be executed on customer side as it might encounter performance issues.