metasfresh / metasfresh-webui-api-legacy

metasfresh webui API server
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Exception when opening PP Order issue / receipt #528

Closed metasnw closed 6 years ago

metasnw commented 7 years ago

Is this a bug or feature request?


What is the current behavior?

Which are the steps to reproduce?

What is the expected or desired behavior?

no exception

metas-ts commented 7 years ago

Intermediate results i found the log and the M_HU the error is about.

the hu in question has an invalid m_hu_item record, because that record has

I searched forward and found that the HU was created by the process WEBUI_PP_Order_Receipt with the following parameters:

select * from ad_pinstance_para where ad_pinstance_id=1520068;
 ad_pinstance_id | seqno |      parametername      |                p_string                 | p_string_to | p_number | p_number_to | p_date | p_date_to |          info          | info_to | ad_client_id | ad_org_id |        created         | createdby |        updated         | updatedby | isactive | ad_pinstance_para_id
         1520068 |    40 | M_HU_PI_Item_Product_ID |                                         |             |      101 |           0 |        |           | No Packing Item        |         |      1000000 |   1000000 | 2017-08-01 13:08:35+02 |   2188223 | 2017-08-01 13:08:35+02 |   2188223 | Y        |              1524489
         1520068 |    50 | M_LU_HU_PI_ID           |                                         |             |  1000006 |           0 |        |           | EUR-Tauschpalette Holz |         |      1000000 |   1000000 | 2017-08-01 13:08:35+02 |   2188223 | 2017-08-01 13:08:35+02 |   2188223 | Y        |              1524490
         1520068 |    60 | QtyCU                   |                                         |             |        2 |             |        |           | 2                      |         |      1000000 |   1000000 | 2017-08-01 13:08:35+02 |   2188223 | 2017-08-01 13:08:35+02 |   2188223 | Y        |              1524491
         1520068 |    80 | QtyLU                   |                                         |             |        1 |             |        |           | 1                      |         |      1000000 |   1000000 | 2017-08-01 13:08:35+02 |   2188223 | 2017-08-01 13:08:41+02 |   2188223 | Y        |              1524493
         1520068 |    70 | QtyTU                   |                                         |             |        1 |             |        |           | 1                      |         |      1000000 |   1000000 | 2017-08-01 13:08:35+02 |   2188223 | 2017-08-01 13:08:35+02 |   2188223 | Y        |              1524492
         1520068 |    20 | $WEBUI_ViewId           | 540328-bc3ea4b1af844db3a0945173b0f99d9e |             |          |             |        |           |                        |         |      1000000 |   1000000 | 2017-08-01 13:08:29+02 |   2188223 | 2017-08-01 13:08:29+02 |   2188223 | Y        |              1524487
         1520068 |    30 | $WEBUI_ViewSelectedIds  | PP_Order_1000096                        |             |          |             |        |           |                        |         |      1000000 |   1000000 | 2017-08-01 13:08:29+02 |   2188223 | 2017-08-01 13:08:29+02 |   2188223 | Y        |              1524488
         1520068 |    10 | $WEBUI_ViewWindowId     | 540328                                  |             |          |             |        |           |                        |         |      1000000 |   1000000 | 2017-08-01 13:08:29+02 |   2188223 | 2017-08-01 13:08:29+02 |   2188223 | Y        |              1524486
(8 rows)

Next: evaluate the log's error message from the time that receipt failed

metasnw commented 7 years ago

case 1 - receipt without sales order without CU-TU

  1. receive HU image
  2. NOK: reverse not possible
    Ihr Test hat einen bisher unentdeckten Fehler offengelegt.
    Bitte leiten Sie diese Meldung an metas weiter: Assumption failure: tableName not empty

case 2 - receipt without sales order without CU-TU

  1. receive HU image
  2. NOK: reverse possible
metas-lc commented 6 years ago

IT opening and closing issue/receipt works OK receiving a CU and removing it works OK you cannot receive only on LU (you also have to add TU) OK