metasfresh / metasfresh-webui-frontend-legacy

metasfresh Webui Frontend
GNU General Public License v2.0
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frontend: document cloning #1164

Closed teosarca closed 7 years ago

teosarca commented 7 years ago

Type of issue

Feature request

Steps to reproduce


Backend task:

wiadev commented 7 years ago

Please add following entry into i18n table (which is sent as response to /api/i18n/messages API call) for default locale and feel free to translate to other languages:

window.clone.caption="Clone" @teosarca

teosarca commented 7 years ago

@wiadev done, see

metas-lc commented 7 years ago

IT I. Sales order: OK

  1. create a new sales order, add all mandatory fields
  2. change all the dates, so it won't be today
  3. set a reference, a dropshipment bpartner
  4. add 2 products, set an attribute for one and for the other one let it empty, set HU for one and the other one "no packing item", change the price for one and the other one leave it like it is
  5. complete the order
  6. go to actions, select Clone => new sales order opens on the same tab => status draft, with 2 lines of product (no TU line) => all the fields were copied (bpartner, products, attributes, dropship, packages) besides: dates (all set on today), reference (empty), price (was taken from pricelist)
  7. complete the order => TU line is added

II. purchase order OK??

  1. create a new purchase order, add all mandatory fields
  2. change all the dates, so it won't be today, also add tageslot
  3. set a reference, a dropshipment bpartner
  4. add 2 products, set an attribute for one and for the other one let it empty, set HU for one and the other one "no packing item", change the price for one and the other one leave it like it is
  5. complete the order
  6. go to actions, select Clone => new sales order opens on the same tab => status draft, with 2 lines of product (no TU line) => all the fields were copied (bpartner, products, attributes, dropship, packages, tageslot) besides: dates (all set on today, availability was empty), reference (empty), price (was taken from pricelist)
  7. complete the order => TU line is added . .question: Availability Date was not copied.. while on swing was. OK??


III. sales invoice NOK?

  1. create a sales invoice for a sales order (with multiple lines, product and TU)
  2. clone this invoce => all fields are copied as they are (including date, reference) => document is draft => lines can change order (products first, TUs after) and they keep their prices
  3. create a new sales invoice manually, add a product line and change the price
  4. clone it => all fields are copied as they are (including date, reference) => document is draft => line doesn't keep it's price (on swing it does) NOK??


IV. purchase invoice

  1. create a purchase invoice for a purchase order (with multiple lines, product and TU)
  2. clone this invoce => all fields are copied as they are (including date, reference) => document is draft => lines can change order (products first, TUs after) and they keep their prices
  3. create a new purchase invoice manually, add a product line and change the price
  4. clone it => all fields are copied as they are (including date, reference) => document is draft => line keeps it's price

About step 2: i couldn't reproduce on swing an invoice creation with TUs first and products after

V. BOM NOK (probably it's related with the fact that you have to add the document no manually)

Error: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key...
Server error
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "ppproductbomunique" Detail: Key (ad_client_id, value)=(1000000, P002737_AB Alicesalat 250g) already exists. SQL: INSERT INTO PP_Product_BOM (AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,BOMType,BOMUse,CopyFrom,Created,CreatedBy,C_UOM_ID,DocumentNo,IsActive,M_Product_ID,Name,PP_Product_BOM_ID,Processing,Updated,UpdatedBy,ValidFrom,Value) VALUES (1000000,1000000,'A','M','N',TO_TIMESTAMP('2017-09-07 08:44:11','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),2188223,100,'1000373','Y',2005577,'P002737_AB Alicesalat 250g',nextval('pp_product_bom_seq'),'N',TO_TIMESTAMP('2017-09-07 08:44:11','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),2188223,TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-07-14','YYYY-MM-DD'),'P002737_AB Alicesalat 250g') RETURNING PP_Product_BOM_ID

VI. Role NOK (seems it's trying to copy the name)

Error: Der Rollenname muss eindeutig...
Server error
Der Rollenname muss eindeutig sein.

VII. GL Journal/Batch

Error: Cannot get TableName for...
Server error
Cannot get TableName for a null model. Possible development issue.
wiadev commented 7 years ago

@metas-lc is this IT-failed?

teosarca commented 7 years ago

@wiadev they are backend issues, Lili (@metas-lc) will move them to backend task.

metas-lc commented 7 years ago

I'll keep this task on me so i can retest it when the backend is done

teosarca commented 7 years ago

IMHO the frontend task can be closed because it's working OK. All the failing cases are on backend side.