metaspartan / explorer

Ethereum Block Explorer (ETHExplorer V2) - Realtime Price Ticker, Integration, etc. (Project is currently not under active development, if you have a bug fix, please open a PR) My current project can be found at (D a better cryptocurrency than ETH)
485 stars 330 forks source link

Is anyone else having CSS issues as of today? #24

Closed stone212 closed 6 years ago

stone212 commented 6 years ago

@carsenk you might want to change the location of bootstrap.min.css to:

kotuliak commented 6 years ago

Or .

stone212 commented 6 years ago

@kotuliak Just wondering why you prefer that link?

kotuliak commented 6 years ago

Think that's an official way of doing it when using bootswatch, and it's done through cdn

metaspartan commented 6 years ago

Updated in latest commit: