metaspartan / explorer

Ethereum Block Explorer (ETHExplorer V2) - Realtime Price Ticker, Integration, etc. (Project is currently not under active development, if you have a bug fix, please open a PR) My current project can be found at (D a better cryptocurrency than ETH)
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Can we use this without running geth ?? #3

Open Adonis2115 opened 7 years ago

Adonis2115 commented 7 years ago

Hey I want to know can we use this without running geth, like with testrpc or IP address running blockchain on other server and if so how could I do that. I tried to change few things but could not make it work.

Really Appreciate your work.

metaspartan commented 7 years ago

This explorer was built with the intentions of utilizing it with geth. It uses for the RPC calls. You could change from another different geth implementation, but its current development track is to work strictly with geth and the web3.js.

stone212 commented 7 years ago

@carsenk: is there anything to install for web3? I am not able to run this (see bug/question on explorer page:

And I am thinking that maybe web3 is not configured correctly for me. Is that a possibility? I don't know anything about web3, but I think it is project specific, so it should install when npm install does its thing. Yes?

Thank you!

reiven commented 7 years ago

@Adonis2115 just FYI i'm currently using this explorer with parity instead of geth and works like a charm

stone212 commented 7 years ago

@reiven How did you install web3? Generally I install as the user running Parity. But the explorer doesn't work for me. Did you install web3 in a different way?

stone212 commented 7 years ago

@reiven Also did you use the --geth emulation flag for Parity? Thank you.

reiven commented 7 years ago

hey @stone212 i've runned parity without the --geth flag, just started and thats it. I didnt install web3 at all, just set the required flags to let the explorer comunicate via RPC. Here is the gist to run parity+explorer inside a docker-compose

stone212 commented 7 years ago

@reiven I'm not a Docker user but thank you. Can you just send the actual command line options or config file you use to invoke Parity when explorer works?

stone212 commented 7 years ago

@reiven Actually can you send the command line options, your firewall settings, reverse proxy settings, and also a copy of your /app/app.js file and any other files that you modified? I know that is a lot to ask but it will be useful to everyone who is trying to work with Parity and this explorer.

reiven commented 7 years ago

@stone212 as you can see in the docker files, i run parity this way:

parity --jsonrpc-interface all --jsonrpc-hosts all --jsonrpc-cors * --dapps-interface --dapps-hosts all --ui-interface --ui-no-validation --chain dev

For the Fiwall settings, i've just opened TCP ports 8545/8080/8180 And i didnt modified anything in the parity node itself

stone212 commented 7 years ago

@reiven What about the /app/app.js file? Have you modified that? Because I do not have any luck using the settings you give above.

reiven commented 7 years ago

No, didnt modify it at all. Which version of parity are you trying?

reiven commented 7 years ago

hey @stone212 i see you also have a ticket opened in the parity repo, looks like the problem was using v1.7.x , and the answer fixed my problems with docker. So i can confirm you that i was able to run the explorer with parity v1.7.0 (stable) using docker , without any modification

stone212 commented 7 years ago

@reiven Hi. Okay, so you said "For the Fiwall settings, i've just opened TCP ports 8545/8080/8180 And i didnt modified anything in the parity node itself" But that's impossible! The explorer runs on port 8000. I don't even know what port 8080 is. How can you run without port 8000 open?

And should I do something with port 8080? I did open it now and there is no change. I wonder if I must reverse proxy it because I am running remotely? No. The reverse proxy should only be for the explorer UI I think.

No, didnt modify it at all.

You did not modify the /app/app.js file? Line 6 of that file reads:

var GETH_HOSTNAME = "localhost"; // put your IP address!

Are you viewing the explorer remotely?

Which version of parity are you trying?

1.6.0, 1.6.10, 1.7.2, 1.8.0. The result is always the same. I do not think it is connected to the other ticket (in the parity repo) because I had the problems with the explorer going back much much longer.

reiven commented 7 years ago

oh, correct i modify that from the dockerfile


RUN apk add --no-cache make gcc g++ git bash
RUN git clone
RUN cd explorer && npm install

WORKDIR /app/explorer
RUN sed -ie 's/localhost/' package.json


CMD npm start```
stone212 commented 6 years ago

This now works for me in Parity with an upgrade to 1.7.6.

This does the trick:

$ parity --jsonrpc-hosts="[public-ip-address]"

You also have to put your IP in api.json