metaspartan / explorer

Ethereum Block Explorer (ETHExplorer V2) - Realtime Price Ticker, Integration, etc. (Project is currently not under active development, if you have a bug fix, please open a PR) My current project can be found at (D a better cryptocurrency than ETH)
486 stars 330 forks source link

aws, rpc-wan-ip, nginx as proxy - cant get it to work #43

Open klemendlabs opened 6 years ago

klemendlabs commented 6 years ago

I'm using


var GETH_HOSTNAME       = "localhost";  // put your IP address!
var GETH_RPCPORT        = 8544;                 // for geth --rpcport GETH_RPCPORT

geth node /usr/bin/geth --rpc --rpcaddr localhost --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcvhosts "*" --rpcport 8544 --testnet --rpcapi "eth,net,web3,personal"

package.json "start": "http-server ./app -a localhost -p 8000 -c-1",

Starting up http-server, serving ./app Available on: http://localhost:8000

Can't get it to work, the main problem is that I can't get the explorer to connect to node : Error: CONNECTION ERROR: Couldn't connect to node http://localhost:8544, is it running?

Could be the relatively outdated packages (web3, http-server)?

sthnaqvi commented 6 years ago

var GETH_HOSTNAME = "localhost"; replace "localhost" with your IP of ec2 ubuntu instance, if you configure Nginx for port 8544 then replace "http://"+GETH_HOSTNAME+":"+GETH_RPCPORT on line app.js line no 96 web3.setProvider(new web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://"+GETH_HOSTNAME+":"+GETH_RPCPORT)); with your domain name. if you are still facing a problem mail me at