metaspartan / explorer

Ethereum Block Explorer (ETHExplorer V2) - Realtime Price Ticker, Integration, etc. (Project is currently not under active development, if you have a bug fix, please open a PR) My current project can be found at (D a better cryptocurrency than ETH)
486 stars 330 forks source link

Black Dashboard on public IP #52

Open Mer-idium opened 6 years ago

Mer-idium commented 6 years ago

Hi All,

I am trying to get this working on a VPS and a public IP.

my geth command looks like this: geth --datadir /dataPath --networkid 9900 --nodiscover --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcapi "web3,net,eth,personal" --rpccorsdomain "http://public IP:15000" console

my app.js is this:

var GETH_HOSTNAME       = window.location.hostname;     // put your IP address!
var APP_HOSTNAME        = "See package.json --> scripts --> start: Change 'localhost'!!!";
var GETH_RPCPORT        = 8545;                 // for geth --rpcport GETH_RPCPORT
var APP_PORT            = "See package.json --> scripts --> start: Perhaps change '8000'";
// this is creating the corrected geth command
var WL=window.location;
var geth_command = "geth --rpc --rpcaddr "+ GETH_HOSTNAME + " --rpcport " + GETH_RPCPORT +'\ --rpcapi "web3,eth" ' + ' --rpccorsdomain "' + WL.protocol +"//" + + '"';

and package.json: "start": "http-server ./app -a -p 15000 -c-1"

The webpage comes up with a header and a footer but no blocks are displayed. There is no pop up about geth not being connected as well.


stone212 commented 5 years ago

Seems like you have a few issues. Start with the reverse proxy.