metaspartan / explorer

Ethereum Block Explorer (ETHExplorer V2) - Realtime Price Ticker, Integration, etc. (Project is currently not under active development, if you have a bug fix, please open a PR) My current project can be found at (D a better cryptocurrency than ETH)
486 stars 330 forks source link

Problem at running explorer webapp #63

Closed atari83 closed 1 year ago

atari83 commented 4 years ago


When I run the explorer and visit the webpage, i receive this error: Allow Access to Geth and Refresh the Page geth --rpc --rpcaddr localhost --rpcport 8545 --rpcapi "web3,eth" --rpccorsdomain ""

And I'm certain that i just ran the geth with equal params but still receive the error .. I also tried to change rpcaddr to and also set vhosts to "*" but same result.

WARN [01-27|16:54:18.686] Switch sync mode from fast sync to full sync INFO [01-27|16:54:18.703] Mapped network port proto=tcp extport=30303 intport=30303 interface=ExtIP( INFO [01-27|16:54:18.703] Mapped network port proto=udp extport=30303 intport=30303 interface=ExtIP( INFO [01-27|16:54:18.704] New local node record seq=19 id=02d3ea0fa6a862f4 ip= udp=30303 tcp=30303 INFO [01-27|16:54:18.707] IPC endpoint opened url=/home/user1/etherhome/geth.ipc INFO [01-27|16:54:18.709] HTTP endpoint opened url=http://localhost:8545 cors= vhosts=localhost

I'm using geth 1.9.7 on centos 7 btw.


conr2d commented 4 years ago

Do you have metamask extenstion in your browser? Refer to the next link.