metatatt / _LLM-CAM-slides

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Provisio Mockup #1

Open metatatt opened 2 months ago

metatatt commented 2 months ago

Provisio Rick Kimes

metatatt commented 2 months ago

05/03 repo: D:_tryouts2_provisio_chroma

_chroma repo

node express backend

Seriously.JS + P5.JS + Shot with Easy Chroma Key APP

using Seriously framework + draw() (p5.js library)

` let canvasWidth = windowWidth 0.8; // 80% of the viewport width let canvasHeight = windowHeight 0.9; // 90% of the viewport height let divCanvas = createCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight); // Create canvas and assign to divCanvas variable'divCanvas'); // Assign the ID 'divCanvas' to the canvas background(0); // Initial background setup if needed

cameraVideo = createCapture(VIDEO);
cameraVideo.size(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
cameraVideo.hide(); // Hide the HTML element

chromaVideo = createVideo(['/libraries/Comp2.mp4'], videoLoaded);
chromaVideo.size(800, 800);
chromaVideo.hide(); // Hide the HTML element

> if (r >= 0 && r <= 15 && g >= 240 && g <= 255 && b >= 0 && b <= 30) { chromaVideo.pixels[i + 3] = 0; // Set alpha to 0 for transparency }

successful run localHost 3000 but problems when deployed to Azure (did not investigate into)

assets: comp2.mp4: (0, 255,0) semi noisy taken with Easy Chroma Key.App, AfterEffects post product edit (Effect, Keying, "KeyLight (1.1)") Image

practiz0216b.mp4: noisy, unusable Image


Chroma Lighting and Keying

-Filming: Easy Chroma Screen APP, iPHone 15?

-Background Green Cloth: wrinkle free or resistant 2 x lighting bright (not over bright), with Minus Gel check with APP: Waverform Detect \ Photography Histogram

-Presenter: -distant from background -key lighting + rimlight (hair light) via softbox (difussion) or via RGB tube light


photography box