metauni / metaboard

Multiplayer drawing boards for sharing knowledge in Roblox.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Board Wand #36

Open blinkybool opened 2 years ago

blinkybool commented 2 years ago

This is a few different features encapsulated into a single wand that you can wield from your backpack.

A good UX/UI is important for this. So here's a picture of what I'm imagining IMG_03B0AD1218AB-1

You would see the three buttons on the right pop up when you equip the tool, and then the pages window would show when you have the pages button selected. You can then drag and drop pages from a board to the window, or from the window to a board. This would account for both desktop and mobile use. Not sure exactly how interaction should work with printing and drawing destroying on desktop and mobile, i.e. how to pick which board and how to perform the action.

I think the adding/removing/resizing boards could be something identical to pages, with it's own window. It would work the same in terms of dragging boards into the world, not sure exactly how you'd remove them.

I think the current equip/unequip to spawn/despawn the personal board will need to be rehomed to some internal functionality of the wand. Otherwise when you equip the wand, the personal board will be unequipped and disappear. Should personal boards be replaced by the generalised board creation/removal?

dmurfet commented 2 years ago

These sound like good proposals to me.

I am strongly in favour of the dynamic board creation and placement, because I think that while in principle anyone can install metaboard in Roblox Studio and lay out their boards in exactly this way, I think it's clear that in practice a vanishingly small percentage of the users of metaboards will actually do so. They will encounter and use metaboard (in my opinion) through events, and through seeing low-friction ways branching off from existing worlds to set up their own private niches that they then fill with boards and stuff. So in practice the dynamic board creation and placement will greatly empower users.

We could give this ability to anyone with Scribe permissions. However it seems to me that we should grant that permission very liberally. My current policy in the metauni group is that once I have seen someone in an event and they didn't burn the place down I give them scribe permissions. If we start empowering anyone with scribe permissions beyond their current "abilities" there will be a tendency to be more restrictive in granting the permission, which would be a serious mistake I think.

So that suggests having another level of permissions above Scribe, perhaps Fellow. These get PB printing and dynamic board creation and destruction.

I don't think we're likely to encounter people with scribe permissions deliberately making trouble with these abilities, but until they've attended a few metauni events they may not understand that they're being disruptive by using the abilities in certain ways. Moreover as board placement and world decoration with text or drawings is something that adds or detracts to the "spirit" of the place, it's worth putting it behind some filters of trust.

Of course, this is balanced by the fact that anyone can and should spin up a private server in which they are god and have all these permissions on their own turf.