metaverse / truss

Truss helps you build go-kit microservices without having to worry about writing or maintaining boilerplate code.
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installation error #286

Open zhengcongyin opened 4 years ago

zhengcongyin commented 4 years ago

I tried to run "go get -u -d", but got "no Go files" error. Am I do something wrong? Thanks,

zaquestion commented 4 years ago

You'll want to cd into the truss repo once it's cloned (with that command is fine), and use

GO111MODULE=on make dependencies
GO111MODULE=on make
zhengcongyin commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your prompt reply. I already fixed this problem, and when I run "make test", it keeps saying that File not found.

Could you please give me some hints about this?

Many thanks,

zaquestion commented 4 years ago

That would either be GOPATH not set, or truss not cloned to that location, unfortunately even tho truss manages dependencies it still needs to be available in the gopath for the protofile imports, we're working on making it that component work on it's own.