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About convert grib data to ARL #23

Closed yvoou closed 2 years ago

yvoou commented 2 years ago

Dear author,

Good morning! I have some questions about converting grib data to ARL.

Convert GRIB data to ARL data

---- Set data folder

datadir = 'D:/mock'

---- Set output data file

outfn = os.path.join(datadir, 'test_grib.arl')

if os.path.exists(outfn):


---- Read a GRIB data file

infn = os.path.join(datadir, '20220630.grb2') print infn inf = addfile(infn) print 'GRIB data file has been opened...'

---- Set output ARL data file

arlf = addfile(outfn, 'c', dtype='arl')

---- Set variable and level list

gvar2d = ['Pressure_surface','Temperature_surface','u-component_of_wind_height_above_ground',\ 'v-component_of_wind_height_above_ground'] gvar3d = ['Geopotential_isobaric','Temperature_isobaric','Pressure_Vertical_velocity_isobaric',\ 'u-component_of_wind_isobaric','v-component_of_wind_isobaric','Specific_humidity_isobaric'] avar2d = ['PRSS','T02M','U10M','V10M'] avar3d = ['HGTS','TEMP','WWND','UWND','VWND','SPHU'] gv = inf['Geopotential_isobaric'] nx = gv.dimlen(gv.ndim - 1) ny = gv.dimlen(gv.ndim - 2) levels = gv.dimvalue(gv.ndim - 3)[::-1] nz = len(levels) arlf.setlevels(levels) arlf.set2dvar(avar2d) for l in levels: arlf.set3dvar(avar3d)

---- Write ARL data file

arlf.setx(gv.dimvalue(gv.ndim - 1)) arlf.sety(gv.dimvalue(gv.ndim - 2)) tNum = inf.timenum() fhour = 0 for t in range(0, tNum): print 'Time index: ' + str(t) atime = inf.gettime(t) print atime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00') dhead = arlf.getdatahead(inf.proj, 'RSMC', 2, fhour)

Pre-write index record without checksum - will be over-write latter

arlf.writeindexrec(atime, dhead)
#Checksum list
ksumlist = []
# Write 2d variables
ksums = []
for avname,gvname in zip(avar2d, gvar2d):
    print avname + ' ' + gvname
    if avname == 'U10M' or avname == 'V10M':
        gdata = inf[gvname][t,0,:,:]
        gdata = inf[gvname][t,:,:]
    if avname == 'PRSS':
        gdata = gdata * 0.01
    ksum = arlf.writedatarec(atime, 0, avname, fhour, 99, gdata)
# Write 3d variables
for lidx in range(0, nz):
    ksums = []
    llidx = nz - lidx - 1
    print lidx
    print llidx
    for avname,gvname in zip(avar3d, gvar3d):
        print avname + ' ' + gvname
        gdata = inf[gvname][t,llidx,:,:]
        if avname == 'WWND':
            gdata = gdata * 0.01
        elif avname == 'SPHU':
            gdata = gdata * 1000.
        ksum = arlf.writedatarec(atime, lidx + 1, avname, fhour, 99, gdata)
#Re-write index record with checksum
arlf.writeindexrec(atime, dhead, ksumlist)
fhour += 1

arlf.close() print 'Finished!'

When i run the script, it showed

"Geopotential_isobaric is not a variable name" Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 23, in File "D:\MeteoInfo\pylib\mipylib\dataset\", line 50, in getitem raise ValueError() ValueError

So, how can i solve it? Looking forward to your reply! Thank you!

Yaqiang commented 2 years ago

You should change the code according your data file and the varible names in it. Gitter is more suitable to discuss the usage of the software: