meteor-useraccounts / flow-routing

Useraccounts packages add-on for integration with Flow Router and Blaze Layout.
MIT License
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not routing - useraccounts:bootstrap and flow-routing #41

Closed steven-tib closed 8 years ago

steven-tib commented 8 years ago

Still in my fresh beginning with meteor, I'm having troubles setting up useraccounts:bootstrap with flowrouter. So far, I was using accounts-ui for prototyping and all worked perfectly.

I've then modify the following packages:

remove accounts-ui
add useraccounts:bootstrap
add useraccounts:flow-routing

I also (still) have :


There seem to be no error in the console, regarding any eventual missing package. let me know if you need to know more about the packages I'm using.

My problem is : When I try to go to the route localhost:3000/signin or join, it loads for few seconds and then redirects me to localhost:3000 without displaying any auth related content. I presume it might be my routes which are wrong.

here they are :

FlowRouter.route('/', {
  name: 'App.home',
  action(params, queryParams) {
    BlazeLayout.render('App_body', {main: 'signin'});

  showForgotPasswordLink: true,
  defaultTemplate: 'Auth_page',
  defaultLayout: 'App_body',
  defaultContentRegion: 'main',
  defaultLayoutRegions: {}

// Define these routes in a file loaded on both client and server
AccountsTemplates.configureRoute('signIn', {
  name: 'signin',
  path: '/signin'

AccountsTemplates.configureRoute('signUp', {
  name: 'join',
  path: '/join'


AccountsTemplates.configureRoute('resetPwd', {
  name: 'resetPwd',
  path: '/reset-password'

note: the "/" route above is my last trial, with direct link to the signin route. No success.

Also, when I try to insert the {{> atForm}} nothing displays, but I see that an empty div is created with a class="at-form".

Would really appreciate some help on this one, really stucked right now.

steven-tib commented 8 years ago

Sorry, beginnner mistake..

I was working with accounts-ui and was still logged in from my previous session. It was then not showing the atForm or any signin/signup page cause there was no reason for me to signin or signup as I was already logged in. Emptying the cache for another reason made me find out that it was the reason for this issue as well !