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:fire: Meteor Blaze is a powerful library for creating live-updating user interfaces
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Move Tracker and all other dependencies into separate repositories and NPM #13

Closed mitar closed 3 years ago

mitar commented 8 years ago

For #11 to really work, we have to move all dependencies into separate repositories/NPM.

stubailo commented 8 years ago

Should we create a Blaze GitHub org for this?

mitar commented 8 years ago

I am proposing to use meteor-package. Then git repository URLs would be pretty:,, and so on. :-)

I would also do #12 if we are going into this direction.

mitar commented 8 years ago

But this ticket was mostly about the fact that we have to move tracker out of the Meteor core repository as well. Not necessary to do repository-per-package as #12 suggests.

So if do not want #12, it could be that we do meteor/blaze and meteor/tracker and this is it. And inside tracker there is more than just Tracker, but also its dependencies.

martijnwalraven commented 8 years ago

I agree that it makes sense to also split off tracker and related packages (reactive-var etc.).

stubailo commented 8 years ago

I don't see the benefit of having a new meteor-package org - then what would be left in meteor? It makes sense to me to have a new organization if it's for something that might become more of a standalone project, like Blaze.

mitar commented 8 years ago

Just because it would be easier to give permissions to the community to create new repositories inside meteor-package over meteor. Or would you be willing to allow community members to create repositories inside meteor?

stubailo commented 8 years ago

Ah, I see - creating new repositories at will would be useful. Something like the reactjs organization, which is for community React projects.

Then maybe meteor-community?

mitar commented 8 years ago

You mean ? ;-) If not, then this might be a bit confusing to people.

Maybe we could use some ideas from: ? ;-)

stubailo commented 8 years ago

A better place to talk than meteor-core

Hmm, sounds like the forums kinda took that over! And I don't want some abstract name like asteroid where you can't even tell what it means.

Also, I just looked at the beginning of the thread - why do we need tracker moved out at this time? Just to publish it on NPM?

Anyway, I'm starting to think the best starting point would be a blaze github org, specifically for Blaze.

mitar commented 8 years ago

Just to publish it on NPM?

Isn't this the main thing we want to achieve? Stand-alone use?

Anyway, I'm starting to think the best starting point would be a blaze github org, specifically for Blaze.

I am not sure. Because there are many other packages which will be pulled out sooner or later, no?

stubailo commented 8 years ago

Yes, but if we really want them to get a life of their own, lumping them into one giant organization called meteor-* doesn't make sense. for example, maybe it should be tracker/tracker. Or meteor-accounts/accounts-*.

mitar commented 8 years ago

reactjs makes sense.

Anyway, I am mostly concerned with maintenance overhead of one organization, and you are proposing to have even more. I think we can start with one organization, no? But we could also start with just things under meteor and simply have an easy way to request a repository. The question is also how many new community projects should be under meteor.

Hm, not that I think, I think we really degressed here. In fact we are not talking here about community packages (for that community can create some organization, or more), but where to put core packages, which are moved out of meteor repository. So maybe meteor is OK for that.

martijnwalraven commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I don't think hosting new community projects under meteor makes sense. The way I see it, the main point of splitting off these core packages is to make them more maintainable.

Over time, we may want these split off projects to evolve to be more independent, but right now there are a lot of interdependencies that would make this hard. Would a blaze organization include tracker? But then what about other packages like minimongo, that also use tracker? So having everything under meteor makes more sense to me, as they are still all part of one family (meteor/blaze, meteor/tracker, meteor/ddp, meteor/minimongo, etc.)

mitar commented 8 years ago

Yes. But the question of this ticket is, is it OK to create 20+ repositories inside meteor for all 20+ NPM packages we will be creating just to port Blaze to NPM?

martijnwalraven commented 8 years ago

My preference would be to group packages into coherent repositories, as we've done with meteor/blaze. The only downside is that NPM does not allow you to install from Git when you put more than one package into a repository. But that might not be a problem as long as you have a good development workflow. This is the approach projects like React and Babel also take.

An interesting article comparing different approaches:

mitar commented 8 years ago

The only downside is that NPM does not allow you to install from Git when you put more than one package into a repository.

Which pretty limits how much you can use it for forks. If you cannot do a dependency against a git repository, then you have to publish a package. Pretty hard.

murillo128 commented 8 years ago

The list of packages used by blaze is the one below:

Also, in ObserveSequence i had to add two files from minimongo:

And tinytest for testing all the above

murillo128 commented 8 years ago

I think the best solution for packaging is having 1 meteor package == 1 git repo == 1 npm package. This has the (big) downside that it is really difficult to work with branches/git repos directly.

I overcome it by not requiring each specific package, but exporting a function that expect a Meteor object in which I add the package into.

So instead of doing

var Tracker = require('meteor-tracker');
var Blaze = {};
module.export = Blaze;

I do the following:

module.export = function(Meteor)
var Tracker = Meteor.Tracker;
var Blaze = {};
Meteor.Blaze = Blaze;
return Blaze;

Then you need a master project my meteor-client [] that acts as entry point, instantiating all the references:

  var jQuery= require('jquery');
  var lodash = require('lodash');
  var Meteor = require("meteor-core")(lodash);
module.export= Meteor;

It is kind of an ugly trick, and don't like it much, but it allows me to override the phisical location of each of the module, and work with branches or local copies. For example in the meteor-module-generator project [] I have each meteor package as a git submodule and them load each of the packages by requiring the filename, not the package reference:

var jquery = require("jquery");
var underscore = require("lodash");
var Meteor = require("./modules/meteor-core/dist/meteor.js")(underscore);

//Export to global
global._ = underscore;
global.jquery = jquery;
global.$ = jquery;
global.Meteor = Meteor;

As I said, it is a quite awful trick and but it does the job. If we could rewrite/override the location of a package at npm, then life would be much easier, but I don't know of other way of doing so.

By the way, any estimation about when 1.3 will be released?

murillo128 commented 8 years ago

Well, after investigating further, this could help:

martijnwalraven commented 8 years ago

@murillo128: Can you explain why you think shrinkwrapping would help here?

murillo128 commented 8 years ago

still don't know.. :)

...but i will investigate, I don't like to export the function and then pass the variable of Meteor, but somehow we need to replace the dependencies on the subprojects somehow, which seems that is what shinkwrap is doing (although just changing the version numbers not the location). Anyway, just a bit of brainstorming

murillo128 commented 8 years ago

BTW, i had to add a couple more packages in order to make Blaze work and pass all the tests from the required packages:

mitar commented 8 years ago

@stubailo, @zol, now that Meteor 1.3 is released, I think we should really focus on the effort of removing Blaze from Meteor repository and make packages stand-alone. Otherwise I think sooner or later it will fork.

murillo128 commented 8 years ago

BTW, even if it is a nightmare to develop at the beginning, I think that what makes more sense is a 1 meteor package = 1 git repo = 1 npm package

zol commented 8 years ago

@mitar totally, that's what we'll be focusing on next.

mitar commented 8 years ago

My wish list:

murillo128 commented 8 years ago

I have been making some tests with npm packages and git branches, and it seems it would be easier than I though.

I have created three dummy projects a,b and c (

c is just exporting the name of the github branch:


I have then published it to npm ( with v1.0.0

b requires the npm package for c and re-exports the the branch name


I have then published it to npm ( with v1.0.0

a requires the npm package b and prints branch name

console.log('Using : ' + require('dummy-b'));

Doing an npm ion a rpovides the expected output

> npm i
dummy-b@1.0.0 node_modules/dummy-b
└── dummy-c@1.0.0

> node index.js
Using : master

Then I created a branch on c changing the label of the branch (


Then I used it c directly on a:

console.log('Using : ' + require('dummy-b'));
console.log('Using : ' + require('dummy-c'));

But installing the branch instead of the package:

> npm i --save murillo128/dummy-c#branch
dummy-c@1.0.0 node_modules/dummy-c

> node index.js
Using : master
Using : branch

As the version in the package have not changed, removing the node modules and installing them again, makes npm to use c from dependency in a (the branch one) and not the one from b (the npm package one):

> rm node_modules/ -rf && npm i
http GET
http 304
dummy-b@1.0.0 node_modules/dummy-b

dummy-c@1.0.0 node_modules/dummy-c
> node index.js
Using : branch
Using : branch

Also, if version differs or it is possible to use npm shrinkwrap to get the tree of references to the packages and override both the version and the source:

  "name": "dummy-a",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "dependencies": {
    "dummy-b": {
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "from": "dummy-b@^1.0.0",
      "resolved": ""
    "dummy-c": {
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "from": "dummy-c@git://",
      "resolved": "git://"
murillo128 commented 8 years ago

So IMHO I think the best would be to have one master repo/package blazejs and then one meteor-xxxx repo/pacakge per current meteor package.

└── meteor-blaze
    └── meteor-core
    └── meteor-htmljs
         └── meteor-core
         └── meteor-xxxxx
         └── meteor-tracker
              └── meteor-core

So if you want to work with a branch of one of the "core" packages, you just need to install the dependency on the master package and override with shrinkwrap if necessary.

murillo128 commented 8 years ago

@stubailo, @zol, @mitar any feedback? What are your plans on how to proceed?

stubailo commented 8 years ago

@zol have we thought at all about naming of our packages on NPM? Does it make sense to use some kind of namespace like @meteor/blaze to avoid the inevitable collisions? I wonder if all meteor-* packages we want are actually available.

murillo128 commented 8 years ago

I have already registered quite a lot of the meteor-xxxx ones :) El 31/3/2016 21:17, "Sashko Stubailo" escribió:

@zol have we thought at all about naming of our packages on NPM? Does it make sense to use some kind of namespace like @meteor/blaze to avoid the inevitable collisions? I wonder if all meteor-* packages we want are actually available.

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laosb commented 8 years ago

IMO, Organization meteor should be used by both MDG and community members, and MDG should have a separated organization.

stubailo commented 8 years ago

@laosb you're referring to an NPM organization? What's the benefit of sharing one?

murillo128 commented 8 years ago

Hi guys, any update on this?

zol commented 8 years ago

@stubailo I'm not too familiar with Npm scopes but my first thoughts are that using them over meteor- would be preferable and no we haven't thought about naming yet.

@murillo128 Given you've been in the trenches with this you probably know more about it than me. I don't quite understand the need for the master package that sits at the top of the meteor- package dependency tree. Is there a reason this is required?

martijnwalraven commented 8 years ago

We probably need some input from @benjamn on this, but I would really prefer it if we didn't go with an ad hoc solution that takes the result of the existing build tool (concatenated files) and publishes these to npm. Ideally, I think we should find a solution to publish Meteor packages on npm with both CommonJS code and ES2015 module-based code (with jsnext:main).

On the subject of multiple packages per repository, I think there are huge organizational benefits to keeping related packages together (as we currently do with meteor/blaze) because otherwise pull requests and issues would be spread out over multiple small repositories (which is especially problematic if they apply to multiple Meteor packages, because you'd lose context). We will need a solution for development, because npm doesn't allow you to install packages from a subdirectory of a repository. But maybe we could use npm link during development?

mitar commented 8 years ago

We probably need some input from @benjamn on this, but I would really prefer it if we didn't go with an ad hoc solution that takes the result of the existing build tool (concatenated files) and publishes these to npm.


because otherwise pull requests and issues would be spread out over multiple small repositories (which is especially problematic if they apply to multiple Meteor packages, because you'd lose context).

Maybe then you just need a way for Meteor to support overriding packages.

martijnwalraven commented 8 years ago

Maybe then you just need a way for Meteor to support overriding packages.

Could you elaborate on this? What do you think would be needed, and what would it help solve?

murillo128 commented 8 years ago


, but I would really prefer it if we didn't go with an ad hoc solution that takes the result of the existing build tool (concatenated files) and publishes these to npm.

Me too. There is no reason for doing that if all the pacakges are available as npm modules.

@martijnwalraven & @zol

We will need a solution for development, because npm doesn't allow you to install packages from a subdirectory of a repository. But maybe we could use npm link during development?

Check my post above, it is perfectly possible to override npm dependencies of the submodules on a npm project.

So if we have each meteor package as a npm module/git repo and one umbrella package for branding/issue tracking/docs/tests as

└── meteor-blaze
    └── meteor-core
    └── meteor-htmljs
         └── meteor-core
         └── meteor-xxxxx
         └── meteor-tracker
              └── meteor-core

You can develop on the blazejs (or any other test project) and override the location of each of the meteor-xxx packages to a local directory or a git branch

martijnwalraven commented 8 years ago

So if we have each meteor package as a npm module/git repo and one umbrella package for branding/issue tracking/docs/tests

But that wouldn't really help you with keeping track of pull requests that apply to multiple related packages, as seems likely with the various templating- packages for instance.

Maybe I'm making this too difficult, but I'm afraid splitting meteor/meteor up into dozens of separate repositories would make it really hard to get a coherent picture of the project, and to keep track of what is going on and what needs to be done.

murillo128 commented 8 years ago

Well, AFAIK nothing prevents technically to have a single git repo with subdirectories for each package and publish just a single module to npm. In fact that's jQuery does it IIRC.

For example, if we create the blazejs npm package, you could later import either the whole module or each package by subdirectory. (Talking from memory would need to check and double check):

npm i blazejs --save
var blaze = require('blazejs');

var spacebars = require('blazejs/packages/spacebars');

I think the main problem is how to handle shared modules between blaze and other meteor projects

mitar commented 8 years ago

Maybe I'm making this too difficult, but I'm afraid splitting meteor/meteor up into dozens of separate repositories would make it really hard to get a coherent picture of the project, and to keep track of what is going on and what needs to be done.

So why are we even moving Blaze out of meteor/meteor? Is it just because of permissions for GitHub? Couldn't that be solved than on some other level? For example, by giving commit rights to an user, but with clear understanding that that person should make commits only to a particular set of subdirectories? You could even maintain a simple file in the root of meteor/meteor.

But the reason why we might want to split things into separate repositories is to that they can be used outside of Meteor. And then yes, we could have one repository with multiple NPM packages, but it is really problematic because NPM does not allow installing a package from the git URL, so forking is then hard.

What about having each package in its own branch? NPM can work with that. Then master branch would only have a README explaining repository structure and this is it?

Could you elaborate on this? What do you think would be needed, and what would it help solve?

So the only reason why I think having subdirectories for each package is problematic is because NPM cannot reference that in a fork directly through git. (Branches might solve this problem.) But if we would care only about Meteor, then we could have some other way to get a fork of package to be used in Meteor app. Because for example, putting repository as git submodule inside packages inside the app would not work, if packages are in a subdirectory inside that repository.

But if Meteor would have a way to say for a Meteor app to use mitar:blaze instead of blaze in my whole app, I could use a fork. And then if I would have a way to say that mitar:blaze should come from a subdirectory of a git repository it would be perfect. And this would be useful in general, not just for packages here. This is what I was suggesting.

But as far as I know you want to move away from custom packaging system. So I would suggest that we find a way to have NPM work with forks. So maybe we use branches?

murillo128 commented 8 years ago

But the reason why we might want to split things into separate repositories is to that they can be used outside of Meteor. And then yes, we could have one repository with multiple NPM packages, but it is really problematic because NPM does not allow installing a package from the git URL, so forking is then hard.

I don't think that is true (some please correct me if I am wrong). NPM only requires a package.json in order to publish a directory/tarball to the npm repo. So it is perfectly possible to publish a subdirectory from a git repo to to npm.

That would only require that each package subdirectory has their own package.json. Note that the repository tag in package.json is only informative:


Specify the place where your code lives. This is helpful for people who want to contribute. 
mitar commented 8 years ago

I don't think that is true (some please correct me if I am wrong). NPM only requires a package.json in order to publish a directory/tarball to the npm repo.

Yes, you can publish, but you cannot use a git fork without publishing your forked package as well. So developing is much harder because you cannot locally use it as a dependency in your app, to then decide to make a pull request or publish that packages on NPM. (I myself very rarely publish a forked package, but I do use forked git repositories a lot.)


martijnwalraven commented 8 years ago

Wat about using npm link for local development?

mitar commented 8 years ago

How can I use npm link so that I can do git clone myMeteorAppWithForkedBlaze and then meteor run without running any extra commands?

mitar commented 8 years ago

So one thing of using forks is not just that you use it for development, but that you can also commit dependency on a forked repository into your repository and it will work. This is why NPM dependencies on git repositories are so powerful. But they work only with monorepositories.

murillo128 commented 8 years ago

@mitar I get your point now. You mean that you cannot do an npm install of a git subdirectory, which is true.

Note that you can always checkout the git branch to a local directory, and then an npm install of the subirectory. Which in fact would be easier for developer as you would not neet to commit and push before using the changes

murillo128 commented 8 years ago

Also note that I am in favor of 1 package = 1 git repo = 1 npm module, just trying to put all the alternatives on the table.. ;)

laosb commented 8 years ago

Whatever, having totally different things in different branch is not a good practice, and may cause some problems in managing.