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Allow to exclude web architectures in every mode #389

Open SimonSimCity opened 4 years ago

SimonSimCity commented 4 years ago

When reading that it's now - in 1.10.0 - possible to exclude certain web architectures in development mode, I asked myself why we do not allow this for all modes?

I am working on an in-house project where I have full control over which browser the individual user is using to access the website I'm building. To increase the time needed to run meteor build and thereby decrease the time needed to ship a new build, it would be nice if this option, to exclude certain web architectures, would be available also there.

gunn commented 4 years ago

My use-case for this is that I build the client myself with a custom webpack config. I only want meteor to build the server. There's a flag called --server-only but that seems to be for skipping mobile apps and still builds web.browser, and web.browser.legacy.

I thought removing browser from .meteor/platforms might have the desired effect, but the line is just re-added.

hexsprite commented 4 years ago

I think this would also be useful for building an Cordova app. I don't need to build the server, or web.browser.* architectures if all I want is web.cordova...

sajhu commented 4 years ago

My use case is @hexsprite. When building apps I don't need the server tarball or web clients, sometimes I might want to build only android or only ios

quickgiant commented 4 years ago

We also have a use case for disabling the legacy bundle. We handle supported browser versions ourselves and would like more flexible user agent parsing than what meteor/modern-browsers provides, e.g. for non-Cordova mobile OS web views.

dr-dimitru commented 4 years ago

Sometimes I don't need Client code, other times it's Client only app, and I'd like to exclude Server. That would be awesome to have such option.

xet7 commented 3 years ago

I can not build Snap version of Wekan, because Snap build stops at building legacy web bundle:

[28/Jan/2021:00:27:54 +0000] "CONNECT HTTP/1.1" 200 4400 "-" "-"
Errors prevented bundling:
While building for web.browser.legacy:
/build/wekan/parts/wekan/build/client/components/main/globalSearch.js: Unknown
group names: quote

Snap issue here:

I do delete that legacy bundle here:

xet7 commented 3 years ago

Ok I fixed it, it was just missing backtick quotes in code. Strings values like regex text should be surrounded with quotes. Now my Wekan Snap packages builds OK.

Anyway, it would be nice to have build option to not build legacy web package.