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why am i getting this isses, please someone help. FormData { file name → {} } #13107

Open olamide-thinker opened 3 weeks ago

olamide-thinker commented 3 weeks ago

i have tried all i can looked everywhere i can and this just persist for no reason i can fathom. please can any one help me.

i want to upload a profile picture to an end point but this just seem to be an obstacle i cant find a get around for

const handleImageChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent) => { const file =[0]; console.log("Pics", file);

if (file) {
  let formData = new FormData();
  formData.append("file", file);
  console.log("form content", formData);



denihs commented 3 weeks ago

It's difficult to understand what's happening from just this snippet of code. Can you provide a reproduction of this problem?

I've been doing some things recently with files and didn't have problems like this.

If you provide a reproduction, it'll be easier to help.

olamide-thinker commented 2 weeks ago

okay, thank you @StorytellerCZ

first or all, i am using the following dependencies for my ui:

i am trying to upload a file to the server and soon as i noticed its now working i decided to console.log what i am getting from the formData and found this :

if (file) { let formData = new FormData(); formData.append("profile_pic", file ,; // Append the file with its name console.log("Form content:", formData); }

console log result: FormData { profile_pic → {} }

if (file) { let formData = new FormData(); formData.append("profile_pic",; // Append the file with its name console.log("Form content:", formData); }

console log result: FormData { profile_pic → "profileImage.webp" }

its not uploading the image file. returned {}

so i started trouble shooting and still that issue persist. i don't know what to do. does this mean i can upload life or images for some reasons i can fathom.