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Potential abuse via login failure messages? #13210

Closed qlp-mathias closed 2 weeks ago

qlp-mathias commented 3 weeks ago

Apparently, the server reacts differently depending on whether a user exists or not.

This behaviour could be abused by an attacker to gather intelligence for phishing or brute- force login attacks.

Example Websocket message:

leonardoventurini commented 3 weeks ago

@qlp-mathias What version of Meteor are you on?

StorytellerCZ commented 3 weeks ago

If you set ambiguousErrorMessages option in Account to true, then it will be fixed for you.

In Meteor 3 the default for ambiguous messages is set to true:

13194 will make it easier to set from settings.json

qlp-mathias commented 3 weeks ago

Hey guys, sorry for the late reply. We're currently running on 2.11 and plan to update to 2.16 soon.

We're using a third party auth provider and have implemented a custom handler for this, but still rely on the accounts-base package. I was going to remove the accounts-password handler manually to get rid of the error messages.

But I'd like to give your method a shot as well @StorytellerCZ . Is that also supported by Meteor 2.x?

StorytellerCZ commented 3 weeks ago

I don't recall at which version this option got introduced, but I think it has been a while, so if you set it to true you should be fine. In 3.0 the difference is that unless set otherwise it will be set to true in production to enhance default security.

StorytellerCZ commented 2 weeks ago

I'm closing this issue for now, but feel free to re-open if more discussion is needed.