meteor / postgres-packages

Early preview of PostgreSQL support for Meteor (deprecated, here for historical reasons)
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table in postgresql must have a primary key field named id #48

Closed yoonghm closed 1 year ago

yoonghm commented 8 years ago

It seems that tables in PostgreSQL must have a field id in order for the _id to be generated:

Originally, I have this table

( staff_id    integer      NOT NULL
, name        varchar(64)  NOT NULL
, role        smallint     NOT NULL

It gave me the following errors:

I20151011-16:42:45.575(8)?     at observe-driver/polling-driver.js:352:15
I20151011-16:42:45.575(8)?     at Array.forEach (packages/es5-shim/.npm/package/node_modules/es5-shim/es5-shim.js:417:1)
I20151011-16:42:45.576(8)?     at PgLiveQuery._updateQuery (observe-driver/polling-driver.js:349:12)
I20151011-16:42:45.576(8)?     at observe-driver/polling-driver.js:447:12
I20151011-16:42:45.577(8)?     at Array.forEach (packages/es5-shim/.npm/package/node_modules/es5-shim/es5-shim.js:417:1)
I20151011-16:42:45.577(8)?     at PgLiveQuery._drainQueue (observe-driver/polling-driver.js:446:21)
I20151011-16:42:45.578(8)?     at [object Object]._.extend.withValue (packages/meteor/dynamics_nodejs.js:56:1)
I20151011-16:42:45.578(8)?     at packages/meteor/timers.js:6:1
I20151011-16:42:45.579(8)?     at runWithEnvironment (packages/meteor/dynamics_nodejs.js:108:1)

I listened to the message (I changed the name) sent by the trigger due to an insert

Asynchronous notification "simple_pg_jRFT" with payload "3136e148432994dcff7955d2c24bafc0:1:1:{"table":"staff","op":"INSERT","data":[{"staff_id":95,"name":"XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX","role":17}]}" received from server process with PID 6889.

I later changed the table to

( id          integer      NOT NULL
, name        varchar(64)  NOT NULL
, role        smallint     NOT NULL

The error disappear. The notification message for an insert became (I changed the name)

Asynchronous notification "simple_pg_Bk6v" with payload "f6841a5af85def8466d03e85a68f1665:1:1:{"table":"staff","op":"INSERT","data":[{"id":95,"name":"XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX","role":17}]}" received from server process with PID 7180.

I looked at trigger

  row_data   RECORD;                                            
  full_msg   TEXT;                                              
  full_len   INT;                                               
  cur_page   INT;                                               
  page_count INT;                                               
  msg_hash   TEXT;                                              
  IF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN                                    
      TG_TABLE_NAME AS table,                                   
      TG_OP         AS op,                                      
      json_agg(NEW) AS data                                     
    INTO row_data;                                              
  ELSIF (TG_OP  = 'DELETE') THEN                                
      TG_TABLE_NAME AS table,                                   
      TG_OP         AS op,                                      
      json_agg(OLD) AS data                                     
    INTO row_data;                                              
  ELSIF (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') THEN                                 
      TG_TABLE_NAME AS table,                                   
      TG_OP         AS op,                                      
      json_agg(NEW) AS new_data,                                
      json_agg(OLD) AS old_data                                 
    INTO row_data;                                              
  END IF;                                                       

  SELECT row_to_json(row_data)::TEXT INTO full_msg;             
  SELECT char_length(full_msg)       INTO full_len;             
  SELECT (full_len / 7950) + 1       INTO page_count;           
  SELECT md5(full_msg)               INTO msg_hash;             

  FOR cur_page IN 1..page_count LOOP                            
    PERFORM pg_notify('simple_pg_MjFR',                         
      msg_hash || ':' || page_count || ':' || cur_page || ':' ||
      substr(full_msg, ((cur_page - 1) * 7950) + 1, 7950)       
  END LOOP;                                                     
  RETURN NULL;                                                  

For an insert operation, the code is

  IF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN                                    
      TG_TABLE_NAME AS table,                                   
      TG_OP         AS op,                                      
      json_agg(NEW) AS data                                     
    INTO row_data;              

It really use json_add to obtain the data, which include the field name.

This is a very limited situation as I need to change many tables. I have not tested out for tables with combination of fields as primary key, and tables without primary key at all (not unusual).